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What the patients say about T3 supplementation and about Armour Thyroid

T3 Results - Condensed Version - For space reasons, only the most relevant segments of each post are included here. The segments are in context in the longer document called "T3 Results." - Some people have more than one entry because they focused on a different aspect of how T3 affected them each time. - Unless otherwise specified, all posts were posted to the newsgroup Definitions: - T4 and T3 are thyroid hormones. - Synthroid, Levoxyl and Thyroxine are synthetic T4. - Cytomel (US and Canada) and Tertroxin (UK) are synthetic T3. - Thyrolar is a synthetic T4/T3 combination. - Armour (desiccated thyroid) is a natural T4/T3 combination. ___________________________________________
- "Earthbound Misfit i" January 22, 2001 the difference between my general anesthesia recovery period prior to the addition of T3 was like night and day. I had surgeries prior to T3, recovery was slow and sickening. Post T3, much quicker and not as sick. in fact, after a recent surgery, I went back to work one week earlier than scheduled. and of course, I haven't found the med establishment would believe this. _____________________
- "LuvARabbit" January 3, 2001 I was depressed for over 10 years...stared at the walls or slept, and became a real "loner." I don't feel depressed since I've been on armour thyroid a while (it has the T3 in it). _____________________
- "Theresa" December 14, 2000 I've been on Armour for a little over six weeks. Gladly I sit here and type that I've faced some serious moments these last 2 weeks that I know if I'd still been on Synthroid I would have been a complete basket case by now...I made it though these couple of things with my chin held high 98% of the time and felt clear about my feelings during both situations. I have still had some of those moments where I can't complete a sentence or remember a name of something very familiar.....but for the most part the fogginess is disappearing as well as the depression. I'm still being regulated and am looking forward to my next visit with the Dr. _____________________
- "Arlyn Grant" December 14, 2000 For me, when the armour finally kicked in, I knew it immediately because my head was clear. I felt like I could survive the stressful situation that I was in. I was no longer a zombie. And my 'edge' was back. But it took 6 weeks to start to feel better. _____________________
- "Lucy (UK)" December 5, 2000 I asked my Dr for T3 after reading about it on this wonderful NG and I felt much better in a few short weeks. I couldn't believe the difference it made to how I felt. _____________________
- <> November 30, 2000 Armour made a lot of aches and pains go away for me. (Levoxyl did not.) _____________________
- "Lori" November 19, 2000 I too have a problem once a in awhile with talking. I have been on Armour a month after switching from Synthroid. It is like night and day. I feel so much better.. _____________________
- "John Fawcett" November 7, 2000 Adding T3 has made a huge difference and I would strongly recommend it to any one who doesn't feel better with T4 only. I had increased Synthroid to .200 and became Hyper but still was tried all the time. This seems like a contradiction but I have come to realize that my body was Hyper and I was mentally tired. _____________________
- "ArubaCDM" September 28, 2000 Hey, I spent many years in synthetic hell. Since the change, I live life, I have a sense of well being and even when the chips are down, I can say I feel good -- and I'm menopausal, go figure. When it came to the switch, I told my MD that I was willing to except the responsibility of taking that dirty stuff. Guess what.... he is now an Armour believer. There is hope for the medical profession if they can get past the "drug detailers" and propaganda. _____________________
- "Nancy N" September 26, 2000 Here's an update. It has been almost a year since the last post I had in the long list posted by Lois. I did get the Sr. Developer job with the more than double salary increase that I was up for when I posted that. I have since gotten a job as Training/Staff Development Coordinator and Technology Help Desk Coordinator at a University. I love my job and I know there is no way I could handle this job without my Cytomel. I still feel great taking .125 Synthroid and 15-20 mcg Cytomel daily. I take the extra five mcg Cytomel on days when I have an extremely stressful day, like if I am teaching two classes and working on schedules for Help Desk staff all at once. On average days I just take 15 mcg and that works for me. It has been over two years now since starting the Cytomel and have had no ill effects, in fact only feel human for the first time that I can remember. _____________________
- "Tracy" September 19, 2000 Before I was diagnosed, I had a lot of digestion problems and hardly ate. I also had no energy past work, and slept when I came home. However, after I was diagnosed, I was put on Levoxyl, just enough to get me in the high normal range, and then I started gaining weight. I still had a lot of tiredness, and had hypoglycemia symptoms. After my weight went over 200lbs. I sat up and said, "enough of this, this just aint right" and started educating myself about it, and not sitting back and taking it. It's too soon to tell yet, but I was on Cytomel for 6 weeks before that, and it did help a lot. I lost 3 pounds in 6 weeks without exercising. _____________________
- "Suchman" September 10, 2000 I started T3 therapy 8/22 and am feeling better. My next visit is scheduled for 10/5. Dr. Zaidi is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA, and he has an office somewhere down there. He told me that after reading the NEJM article he immediately began using T3 with his patients (with great success). _____________________
- "Bob Globe" September 1, 2000 t3/t4 absolutely may be necessary, even if your blood tests are normal. Mine were normal and I watched my afternoon fatigue and sinus problems magically vanish when I started on Armour Thyroid. Next doctor, please..... _____________________
- "cheryl" September 1, 2000 I'm new to this board and noticed that the "T3" issue hasn't changed much since I was fighting it a year ago. It makes me very angry that docs don't do their homework after med school. I have been taking T3 with my T4 now for a year and have never felt better. Even with just the T4 I was still depressed, anxiety attacks, weight gain, foggy head, tired, etc. The T3 immediately cleared the foggy head and the other symptoms went away soon after. _____________________
- "Calvin and Elaine Long" August 26, 2000 I recently read about, and ask my Dr. to try cytomel. I felt better within one hour of trying it. I forgot to take it the other day and really noticed a difference. I was just taking synthroid 0.15 we backed it down to .125 and added the cytomel. it is great. _____________________
- "Arlyn Graant" August 26, 2000 My endo did the same thing. She laughed at me for suggesting such a ridiculous thing. But the joke was on her. I finally forced her to put me on some sort of T3 - which was Armour, as she doesn't believe in a synthetic T3. And six weeks later, I woke up a new person. It hasn't fixed all the problems, but I am able to handle so much more now than I could a year and a half ago. _____________________
- "Stuart Harris" August 19, 2000 I no longer notice a rush when I take the T3 but I can tell that I go from feeling kind of "fuzzy" to clear thinking about 10 or 15 minutes after taking my morning dose. I've tried not taking the T3 a couple of times just to see if it's really making a difference but after an hour or two I start feeling my old self (kind of zombie like) so I go ahead an take it and BAM! a few minutes later I feel "normal". Two months isn't very long but so far it continues to make a huge difference for me. _____________________
- "Stuart Harris" July 27, 2000 I had a similar problem and when I finally got to an endo I asked for a testosterone test. He didn't do one but he did give me some cytomel and it completely 'cured' the problem. It's only been a month but my sex drive is better than it has been in a very long time. There could be many root causes but the lack of T3 is sufficient to kill your libido. _____________________ - "Valerie T" July 27, 2000 Hi, I just moved, left an X that called me fat & lazy, convinced my DR after 10 long years of begging to switch me to Armour, and I am beginning a FANTASTIC new life! Can you tell I feel wonderful? I am finally losing weight, I just switched about 2 weeks ago, so this is much better than I had anticipated, and the energy... like dropping 20 years of old age! _____________________
- "Lauri" July 5, 2000 There are some mornings when I wake up and my feet are painful and hard to walk on. This happens more often in my fingers (although almost gone since T3) where they are stiff and hard to bend in the morning. I think the thing in my feet is the same sort of thing. _____________________
- "Stuart Harris" June 28, 2000 Well, in spite of my misgivings I went ahead with the full dose of 25 mcg cytomel today plus 88 mcg of levoxyl. Felt great until about 7:00. Four people complimented me on my clothes which were not new . . . makes me suspect they could tell that I looked better and focused on the clothes since they didn't want to say "wow - you're awake". I found that I was laughing more, was more social, and was able to spend less time trying to follow the ideas of others and contribute more ideas of my own. No signs at all of going hyper - I can hardly wait until day three. _____________________
- "Laura" June 7, 2000 We raised my synthroid to 100mcg and kept me on 10mcg of cytomel. It took about two weeks, but I finally began feeling normal. My blood work looks good now. Both Free T3 and T4 are in the normal range except TSH is now suppressed, but I feel WONDERFUL. Constipation, brain fog, dry skin, and cold intolerance is gone. My blood pressure has even come down to really great levels. The weight is even beginning to come off as well. Let me repeat myself, I feel GREAT! _____________________
- "Monica" May 6, 2000 I was put on T3 after my thyroidectomy and took 30mcg a day, 10mcg three times a day. It made me feel great and much more alert and full of energy than I had been with my own thyroid. _____________________
- "Pat" April 29, 2000 (in an e-mail to Gail; posted with their permission) Against her better judgement the doctor let me go on 5mcg cytomel twice a day. She said she didn't think it would make a difference but she believes that a patient knows her body best. (She's a new doctor and very understanding). I saw her a month later, she had never seen me prior to the one visit when I was complaining about everything. When I walked into the office she said - Pat - don't even tell me - you look fantastic - I know the cytomel works and you are staying on it!!! She couldn't believe how much better I looked, how my personality was "up" instead of down, I can now sleep, I am off ambien for sleeping, I've lost weight and I'm just plain happy - again Thank you. _____________________
- "IAmLesterBurnham" April 27, 2000 Before T3 (Only 150mcg T4) ... Low energy, poor memory, significant brain fog, occasional mild/moderate depression. After adding T3 (125mcg T4, 10mcg T3) ... More energy (but still need more), cognitive skills improved, brain fog almost eliminated immediately, little improvement in depression. I'll take 3 out of 4 any day. New blood work in the next couple of weeks. May need to increase T4 ?? _____________________
- "Kari" April 27, 2000 I took synthyroid for 15 years. Within 2 weeks of starting amour thyroid I went from sleeping 10 hours a day with a nap to sleeping 8 hours with no nap, colors seemed brighter, my mood was happier and more alive, people were not having to finish my sentences because I was forgetting words, I stop delegating work to others (because now I had the energy to do it myself), I stopped dreading outings because of worry of whether I would have energy or not to attend, the only drawback I can think of is I stopped reading so many books (I have energy for other activities). _____________________
- "AH" April 27, 2000 My tsh dropped drastically (it's much more responsive to t3) and my moods, energy, and feelings of wellness improved significantly. Depression was a symptom in my case - constant exhaustion left me SOUR, quite frankly. In the real world, with a real thyroid, the body puts out varying amounts of t3 depending on what you need/call for, if you will. It's a shame that we can't really replicate that because if I am terribly stressed or physically taxed I burn right through the stuff and run out of gas. On pure t4 this used to happen DAILY. On a mix, it happens but somehow I'm able to cope with it. Love my t3. _____________________
- "Default User" March 16, 2000 My brain-fog lifted two hours after taking my first Cytomel. My memory is recovering but still not back to the pre-Graves era, 3 years ago (3.5?). Several people I know have tried T-3 and reported similar good results (4 out of 4). One of these ppl's doc's scared her into believing T-3 WITH T-4 was dangerous. She stopped taking T-3 and went back to her borderline "insanity". It did not take her long to figure out the lack of T-3 was baaad news. Another person's doc will not prescribe her T-3 "because the TSH-level is fine". Nevermind her brainfog that vaporized two hours after taking T-3. I'll think she will be changing doc's soon. _____________________
- "Terri M" March 7, 2000 I'm dumbstruck reading about your troubles getting your meds switched. FWIW, my labs were in the normal range when my doctor switched me to Thyrolar. Last weekend, we went to visit my step-daughter. When we were over 100 miles down the road, I realized I'd forgotten my Thyrolar. I debated about going back and adding three+ hours to a 6-hour trip. Since my step-daughter is hypothyroid, I decided to use her Synthroid. Each day of the weekend, I needed an afternoon nap--I ran out of steam and couldn't go on, just fell asleep. OK, I only took 112mcg of Synthroid rather than 125 (I take 1-1/4 grains Thyrolar, which I'm pretty sure is therapeutically equivalent to 125mcg Synthroid, but STILL!!) I haven't needed an afternoon nap once since starting the Thyrolar and I have no brain fog, and I've stopped gaining weight--even lost 10#!. I gained 15# after starting Synthroid. _____________________
- "John Riggs" March 3, 2000 I had quite a few of the problems you are describing up to the point I started adding T3 to the mix. The sinuses cleared, the vision improved, headaches went away, libido returned, cognitive abilities improved, and sleep returned to normal. Those are just a few of the things that improved by adding a relatively cheap pill. _____________________
- "JW" February 27, 2000 I have grave's and had the RAI 4 years ago. I tried Synthroid for 2 and a half years and even with the proper levels in my test still felt horrible. I have been on Armour/ 105 once a day for a year and a half and feel great!! _____________________
- "Andrea Dawn Martell" February 12, 2000 On my first week of desiccated thyroid, I was on my way to the library. I looked up at the sky (it was dusk) and I could see all these different colours of blue. I thought "Oh my good is this the beauty I've missed". _____________________
- "ElaineP" February 12, 2000 Before starting on T3 I was also concerned because there were several people on this NG who started T3 recently, but no one had long term experience with it. However, I decided that I had nothing to lose, since the half-life is so short. All of it is out of your system in a few days if you stop. It's a very personal decision and only you can decide if you're comfortable with it. In my own case I felt an immediate difference. I felt incredibly better for about a week and a half. Then I settled down into just feeling "normal". I have no brain fog at all. This was demonstrated to me recently. I take two doses of 5mcg Cytomel. The second dose is at 2 PM. This has worked very well for me. However, I went to a party that lasted past my bedtime. At around 11 PM I was getting upset with myself because I was having trouble finding words. I wasn't more tired than anyone else at that hour, but brain fog was setting in thick. The next day I realized that it was because the Cytomel had worn off. I know that John will take an extra Cytomel if his day is going to be rough. I'm thinking of taking an extra one if I'm going to be up very late. _____________________
- "HW" February 12, 2000 I have graves and was nuked 4 years ago. I was put on Synthroid and for 2 years even with normal test results felt horrible. I then talked them into trying me on Armour thyroid replacement and after a little adjusting, felt like a human again. _____________________
- "June O'Toole" February 11, 2000 I have been feeling much better. I am able to handle stress easier, less brain fog and memory problems and overall more even mood. I slept really well when I first started taking the Cytomel but that has not been consistent, although I think overall I am sleeping better than before taking it. I would definitely recommend Cytomel. I think anyone whose thinking about taking it should at least give it a try. _____________________
- "Andrea Dawn Martell" February 6, 2000 I've been on it [desiccated thyroid] for about 10 days, and I'd like to bless all of you. In 10 days, my eczema is almost gone, my insomnia is gone and I'm sleeping deeper. In fact my restless leg syndrome is less frequent and annoying. I've had acne since age 9 (about the same time some of my symptoms started showing). My acne cleared up, but scarring and breakouts never stopped, well in 10 days my skin softer, and my pores are smaller. I have so much more energy. I don't get tired til the evening when everyone else does. Best of all, it's like my brain is back! I don't ever remember my head feelings this clear even when I was teenager, long before my diagnosis. I think perhaps I've been suffering with thyroid disease a lot longer than I thought. As well, my emotions are more balanced...and my hands are actually warm in some parts of the day. So I am one happy 23 year old woman right now. If this is the 10th day of treatment, I can't wait to see the results of 20. :) _____________________
- "Sonya" January 31, 2000 I would just like to tell everyone that I've been on the T-3 T-4 combination for 21 days and I'm feeling great. It has helped so many of my symptoms and today was the 2nd. day that I didn't have to have a nap. My muscle aches and bone pain are gone, the fatigue is gone, dry skin is so much better, brain fog is so much better, and I was having dizzy spells 2-3 times a day and I have only had 1 in 21 days. I wish everyone could get there Dr.'s to write it for them so they could feel better also. I haven't had much body temperature change yet but hopefully that will go up so I won't be so cold. Thanks for all the information so I could find out about the T-3. _____________________
- "Rosey" January 29, 2000 I started T3 almost a month ago. For the first two weeks, I really didn't feel much of a difference. For the last two weeks, I have been feeling better and better. I suppose it was a gradual change from the start, but it took a while for me to have a clear feeling that it was helping. Certainly there was no night and day difference when I took the first pill! _____________________
- "Jeanne & Pete McKenna" January 7, 2000 my story kind of ditto's Elaines... My doc is a GP, and at first he balked, but he knows me pretty well and probably figured I'd win out eventually ;) He congratulated me by saying I am one of his most informed patients (and I thank all you kind folks on this NG for that information) I would have to say that since I've been taking a lower dosage of the T3 that he originally prescribed, along with the reduced Synthroid I have not had any serious bouts of depression -- in fact, I have stopped taking anti depressants for the last 3 weeks. So, for me, this combo is definitely working. _____________________
- "ElaineP" December 24, 1999 It's funny that I didn't think of the blurry vision and dizziness as thyroid related. It's amazing how quickly we forget pain. When I was still very hypo I had balance problems. I was even falling at strange times (not tripping over anything). As for the blurry vision, I should have thought of that since I started on Cytomel recently and one of the amazing results was that I found that my vision was sharper. (I hadn't thought of my vision as blurry before) _____________________
- "Nancy Vanneste" December 20, 1999 I was doing "okay" for years on just Synthroid. Then I added Cytomel after reading about it on this newsgroup. My life has completely changed - so this is what it's like to go through life awake.... I won't give up my Cytomel for anything. _____________________
- "Marianna" December 12, 1999 I couldn't live without that 'extra 10%' of joy in my life. I didn't like the brain fog. I didn't like being cold. I LOVE taking the T3. _____________________
- "db" December 11, 1999 Like many of you I have been through the wringer with this thyroid crap. With a new nodule on my already subtotally removed thyroid it's hard to tell what will happen....but for the moment, and in the recent past, I have felt great (or at least a great deal better). all thanks to Cytomel. ask for it. demand to try it. I only take 5 mcg a day, it's all I can tolerate, apparently. but that 5 mcg helps tremendously!! the point is for newcomers, it does get better. less than 6 months ago, members of this group persuaded me not to jump off of a bridge. glad I didn't hang in there. _____________________
- "Default User" December 7, 1999 back to life thanks to ppl who posted on this NG. I feel 300% better hours after taking cytomel (it's all in my head!) brainfog is gone. the lead in my limbs is gone. My heart keeps ticking a bit fast though. I've to check up on the adrenal glands. My doctor had never heard of cytomel, but he prescribed it after c hecking with the Physicians Desk Reference. I'm glad I have cytomel now and pizzed that i didn't have it earlier. _____________________
- "Neville" December 7, 1999 My TSH was 0.06 a month ago and I was still hypo (brain fogged, poor memory) on 175mcg T4. I already feel much better on 125mcg T4 and 5mcg+5mcg T3. My stomach/intestines feel more settled, my head seems "clear" and memory is much improved. I assume that the reduced T4 will have allowed my TSH to increase -I'll let the group know when I retest in a few weeks. One factor that doctors seem to look for is weight changes - expecting that hyper causes weight reduction. Since changing to T4/T3 I would say that I have lost some weight - but I put the reason down to the settled stomach, loss of an urge to eat sugary foods. _____________________
- "Susan Fein" December 5, 1999 T3 was miraculous for me, and I'm not taking time released. Just 5 mcg 2X per day of Cytomel began to pull me out of a months long hell after a week, and really back to good within 4-6 weeks. I had gotten increasingly depressed on extreme low carbs, which can prevent conversion of T4 to T3 in some people (and I've been on the low end already for years), but I have to eat that way due to other conditions. When I was without the Cytomel for a day and a half, my mood started to deteriorate and I became irritable and grouchy again. _____________________
- "BT Landry" December 4, 1999 I convinced my doc to let my take Cytomel, and I felt WONDERFUL! Maybe three times in the last two weeks I overshot my dose and felt hyper, but usually I feel great. Before T3, my thyroid tests have lately been consistently coming back normal (TSH close to 2 either way), but I was still in a fog all the time. It's gone now for the first time in years! The only drawback is I still have swings a couple times a day where I go hypo and get cold, sluggish, and foggy. Then I know it's time to take another Cytomel. ______________________
- "Jim Jenkins" December 1, 1999 I started taking "Timed Released T3" alone a month ago starting dose 7.5 mcg twice a day and immediately felt better, after two weeks I upped my dose to 15 mcg and feel absolutely great! like a normal person again with absolutely no side affects, no highs or lows, just normal (even mood) and my body temperature is rising steadily as I improve every day. I had all the HYPO symptoms and a very low body temperature (average 96.8). Previously a month of T4 therapy made me feel worse so I demanded the timed release T3 from my doctor. As I understand the hypo symptoms and low body temperature is an indication of a conversion problem from T4 to T3, which explains why more T4 did not help me, just made me worse (I needed more T3) Some people do well with a combination of T4 & T3, depends upon your problem. If you have all the hypo symptoms and a low body temperature and your all tests come back normal T3 could be the answer. _____________________
- "ElaineP" November 30, 1999 I experienced a calming effect within hours of taking my first 5 mcg dose. (decreasing anxiety I didn't know I had?) In the first week and a half I had some headaches, which I hear is common when starting T3. After 2 weeks I feel better than I have in a long time. No headaches. Just feeling normal. In the last few years I've been worried that there really wasn't such a thing as feeling normal, that I was expecting too much. I do feel a small crash in the evening, but it's nothing like the old brain fogged, don't make me move tiredness I used to feel. This could just be normal end of day tiredness - it's been so long that I've felt this good that I don't know what is normal or not. My next step is to ask my doctor about time release Cytomel to see if it evens things out a bit. I'm currently taking 5 mcg Cytomel twice a day in addition to Levoxyl at a lower dose. _____________________
- "ElaineP" November 26, 1999 Ok, I'll control myself this time and not go into a tirade about doctors like yours, but it does get me sooooo angry. If I were you I'd try the next town over, or the next. Don't give up, don't let them win. You have a better life out there. Travel as far as you need to. I started on T4/T3 last week and I can't tell you how incredible the difference is. I've been on Synthroid alone for the past 12 years and have never felt "normal". I've felt "better", and "ok", but not normal like I do now. Last night (Thanksgiving) while my relatives were saying it was time for a nap (after dinner), I wasn't tired and couldn't understand why someone would want a nap at 7pm. (How quickly one forgets!) _____________________
- "David" November 23, 1999 After being on just Thyroxine for 8+ years I also switched to the T4/T3 combination (Cytomel). My depression, brain fog, and tiredness are gone. I'm back in the land of the living. _____________________
- "Robin" November 23, 1999 I have been on T3 for about 4 months. Before I had been on Synthroid for over a year with little relief from symptoms. I was tired all the time and was turning into a balloon. I was in a constant fog and extremely depressed. With a dosage of 5 mcg twice a day added to a lower dosage of Synthroid, I've been able to start functioning again. My color is better and I can think again. I also am not depressed again. I even have enough energy to go to the gym and exercise. The doctor says I need to give it another couple of months but that I'm on the road to recovery. I still suffer from fatigue in the afternoons. It has given me back my life. _____________________
- "Marianna" November 22, 1999 My story is this: 37 yr old female started taking T3 in February 99 and life has changed. Periods (blush) are regular (I spotted for three years and had three gynae ops to no avail) I have not had a sinus infection since I started taking T3 after suffering from them for over 15 years and my energy level has improved. I am also warmer and can think clearly. I take 150mcgs thyroxine and 10-20 mcgs of Tertroxin daily. _____________________
- "Kristy Bloxham" November 22, 1999 I started taking Cytomel only (my T4 levels were normal) about 8 weeks ago. After suffering with brain fog, muscle pain, tiredness, inability to concentrate, joint pain, and who knows what else; I feel much better. I couldn't find T3 in a timed release formula so I had my Dr. prescribe it in the 5 mcg. pills. I take these every 2-3 hours during the day. That has helped me an immense amount. I did feel hyper for about 3 hours when I was on the 25 mcg. pills once a day. Then about 7 at night I would crash hard. Now I am doing better. It feels so good to just feel good again. My only concern is that my TSH levels went from 2.9 to .079. The Dr. dropped my dosage a little bit but he didn't seem concerned. I don't know if I should worry or not. At least I feel better. _____________________
- "Magda" November 22, 1999 I had been on T4 for six months and feeling as bad as always, when I started T3. In one week the muscle pain I had had for so long - I used to think it was "fatigue", it was *pain* ! - disappeared, and I was happily walking kilometres again without stopping "to rest". I used to feel cold to the bones, but that was gone too. These days I swear, I'd rather go without food, than without my beloved T3 ! Luckily, it's so dirty cheap I don't risk hung pains ! ;-)) _____________________ br> - "Sheryl" November 21, 1999 I was hypothyroid and on Synthroid from '92 to '98 when I got so sick I could not function. Changed to Armour thyroid (has T3 and T4) in '98 and am slowly getting my life back. My sister also did not do well on just Synthroid and had to be switched to T3 and T4 - then got better. Some people need both T3 and T4. _____________________
- "Nancy Vanneste" November 20, 1999 I have felt more in control of my thyroid ups and downs with the T3 added to my Synthroid. I now have a more consistent state of feeling good, because if I have a day where I am a bit more tired or start to feel some of that brain fog coming back, I take an extra 3 mcg Cytomel in the afternoon. It has been a miracle for me.
- "Nancy Vanneste" November 16, 1999 Adding Cytomel to my Synthroid has literally changed my life. I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. I had my IQ tested before and after the Cytomel and it went up twenty points. I now have a programming job that I could never have handled before, and am the top candidate for another job as senior programmer for another company at more than twice the salary I was making one year ago. My weight has stabilized at what is in my opinion about ten pounds too much, but I'm comfortable with that...I was thirty pounds heavier and according to my family, they could see the weight "melt" off after starting the Cytomel. I now only need about 7 hours sleep a night, compared to needing up to 12 hours before. I have a much better attitude about life and am really having fun with life now, for the first time in a very long time. I actually didn't know it could be so good. __________________________________________ T3 Results - Non-relevant portions have been snipped to save space. - Some people have more than one entry because they focused on a different aspect of how T3 affected them each time. Definitions: - T4 and T3 are thyroid hormones. - Synthroid, Levoxyl and Thyroxine are synthetic T4. - Cytomel (US and Canada) and Tertroxin (UK) are synthetic T3. - Thyrolar is a synthetic T4/T3 combination. - Armour (desiccated thyroid) is a natural T4/T3 combination. ___________________________________________ From: Newsgroups: Sent: September 19, 2000 Subject: Re: Dr in Las Vegas I did put on a lot of weight, but not in a short period of time. Before I was diagnosed, I had a lot of digestion problems and hardly ate. I also had no energy past work, and slept when I came home. However, after I was diagnosed, I was put on Levoxyl, just enough to get me in the high normal range, and then I started gaining weight. I still had a lot of tiredness, and had hypoglycemia symptoms. After my weight went over 200lbs. I sat up and said, "enough of this, this just aint right" and started educating myself about it, and not sitting back and taking it. It's too soon to tell yet, but I was on Cytomel for 6 weeks before that, and it did help a lot. I lost 3 pounds in 6 weeks without exercising. Tracy Melissa wrote: >You say that you had been suffering hypothyroid symptoms for years. Did you >happen to put on an enormous amount of weight in a short period of time? If >so, are you finding that the Armour is having any effect? Or.... Is it >still too early to tell? If I don't get some results from my docs >realllllll soon, I'm going to give Dr. Kaplan a call! Always nice (and, >usually rare) to find a doc who actually listens!!! Take care! ________________________________________ From: "Suchman" Newsgroups: Sent: September 10, 2000 Subject: Re: Doc in Los Angeles? You may want to check out Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi. I have seen him once (so far) in his Thousand Oaks office. He really listened to me and validated my feelings. I started T3 therapy 8/22 and am feeling better. My next visit is scheduled for 10/5. Dr. Zaidi is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA, and he has an office somewhere down there. He told me that after reading the NEJM article he immediately began using T3 with his patients (with great success). Nancy ________________________________________ From: "Bob Globe" Newsgroups: Sent: September 1, 2000 Subject: Re: Results and a switch to T4/T3 protocol t3/t4 absoulutely may be necessary, even if your blood tests are normal. Mine were normal and I watched my afternoon fatigue and sinus problems magically vanish when I started on Armour Thyroid. Next doctor, please..... ___________________________________________ From: Newsgroups: Sent: September 1, 2000 Subject: "The Thyroid Solution" by Ridha Arem, MD I'm new to this board and noticed that the "T3" issue hasn't changed much since I was fighting it a year ago. It makes me very angry that docs don't do their homework after med school. I have been taking T3 with my T4 now for a year and have never felt better. Even with just the T4 I was still depressed, anxiety attacks, weight gain, foggy head, tired, etc. The T3 immediately cleared the foggy head and the other symptoms went away soon after. I had to fire those doctors who refused the T3 test! I finally convinced one to order T4, free T3, and tsh. To do this I went armed with message board testimonials of good results, article in New England Medical Journal suggesting T3 therapy, and finally the book "The Thyroid Solution" by Ridha Arem, MD. I even found that T3 therapy is preferred for dogs with hypo. The book, the NEMJ article, and the test are credible medical evidence. I had to really push these loudly. Even to the point of threatening to again go to another doctor. My T3 test came back very low to my docs surprise. My tsh had been normal for two years on synthroid. He kept telling me I was depressed and needed paxil. BullSXXX!!!! I have read many message boards and the symptoms, particularly the foggy head, are common for those with low T3. I now see an endo who supports me fully and listens to how I feel. He believes that there is a small population of people who do need the T3 therapy due to inability to properly process the T4 as suggested in the book. Also, in this book, T3 and/or antidepressants are also recommended for those who do not show a T3 deficiency. I am not a fan of antidepressants but was willing to take it if the T3 was normal. There are no tests performed to measure chemical imbalances that require antidepressant treatment; however, there is a test for T3. Drawback of T4/T3 is I've lost over 20lbs and the dosage has needed constant readjustment (I can live with this one!). Going for a bloodtest today because I feel hyper again. I must mention that the weight came off after starting "The Zone" diet and excersize, but I would have never been able to participate in these activities in the state of mind I was in before T3. Even if you don't have a T3 problem, reading this book will help you understand hypothyroidism much better. I firmly believe that the truth is in the numbers! Arm yourself with hard data and if you can't get your current doc to do the complete thyroid panel, then find one who will. (I even considered seeing a vet!) My opinion, cheryl ___________________________________________ From: "Calvin and Elaine Long" Newsgroups: Sent: August 26, 2000 Subject: Re: converting T4 to T3 I recently read about, and ask my Dr. to try cytomel. I felt better within one hour of trying it. I forgot to take it the other day and really noticed a diffrence. I was just taking synthroid 0.15 we backed it down to .125 and added the cytomel. it is great. Elaine > I wonder if anybody could answer this question for me, I've been taking T4 > now for approx 5 years in ever increasing amounts yet I never feel > completely well, I sometimes feel better than others but the bottom line is > I never feel like my old self, after discussing this with my doctor I > mentioned that perhaps I have a problem converting T4-T3, well my Doc > dismissed this instantly, said that nobody has this problem, and if I am > still unwell it must be something else or it's all in my mind. I suppose my > question is, does converting T4 to T3 really pose a problem for some people > and does the medical world recognise this. > > Thanks > Mac ___________________________________________ From: "Arlyn Graant" Newsgroups: Sent: August 26, 2000 Subject: Re: converting T4 to T3 My endo did the same thing. She laughed at me for suggesting such a ridiculous thing. But the joke was on her. I finally forced her to put me on some sort of T3 - which was Armour, as she doesn't believe in a synthetic T3. And six weeks later, I woke up a new person. It hasn't fixed all the problems, but I am able to handle so much more now than I could a year and a half ago. It has been shown that many people can not make the conversion from T4 to T3. My opinion is that the T4 is synthetic. So it is quite possible that my body didn't recognize it the way it should have. ar (in response to Mac's post, copied in the above section) ___________________________________________ From: "Stuart Harris" Newsgroups: Sent: August 19, 2000 Subject: Re: Cytomel becoming less effective over time? I started Cytomel about eight weeks ago, I also noticed a big impact at first which gradually diminished plus increasing fatigue after a few days. I haven't had blood work yet but I suspect that the T3 further suppressed my TSH resulting in an increased need for levoxyl (contrary to conventional wisdom). At first I dropped from .112 levoxyl to .088 and over the next couple of weeks I went back to .100 then .112, and finally .125 before I started to feel normal again. It's only been about two weeks since I got everything straight but so far so good. I no longer notice a rush when I take the T3 but I can tell that I go from feeling kind of "fuzzy" to clear thinking about 10 or 15 minutes after taking my morning dose. I've tried not taking the T3 a couple of times just to see if it's really making a difference but after an hour or two I start feeling my old self (kind of zombie like) so I go ahead an take it and BAM! a few minutes later I feel "normal". Two months isn't very long but so far it continues to make a huge difference for me. Regards, Stuart P.S. I found that too much Cytomel was counterproductive. My brain became over stimulated and my mental faculties were dulled - anything over 12.5 mcg Time release T3/day seems to cause this for me. ___________________________________________ From: "Stuart Harris" Newsgroups: Sent: July 27, 2000 Subject: Re: Libido gone Sean I had a similar problem and when I finally got to an endo I asked for a testosterone test. He didn't do one but he did give me some cytomel and it completely 'cured' the problem. It's only been a month but my sex drive is better than it has been in a very long time. There could be many root causes but the lack of T3 is sufficient to kill your libido. Good luck, Stuart "Sean E. Smith" wrote: > > Does anyone know of any supplements that can help with the lack of libido? ___________________________________________ From: "Stuart Harris" Newsgroups: Sent: July 27, 2000 Subject: Re: A visit to Mayo Clinic Carol, I was also on .125 mcg Levoxyl and my doctor at first refused to add cytomel. He referred me to an endo who was willing to give it a try since he had heard about the NEJM article. The endo started me on .88 levoxyl + 25 cytomel. I told him that this was too much but he asked me to give it a try so I did. I called after four days and told him I had cut it to 12.5 cytomel because I was totally hyper. Mental acuity went way up, but fatigue started setting in late in the afternoon on the 88's. I bumped back up the .125 levoxyl which felt great for about a week but then I started going hyper again so I refilled my old .1 mg levoxyl script about a week ago and seem to be going well since then. (I haven't had blood work but I feel great! - if anyone tried to take away my T3 I'd break into the pharmacy to get it!!!!!). This is higher than most people would have predicted, I've basically substituted 12.5 mcg levoxyl for 12.5 mcg of cytomel even though the cytomel is supposed to be four times as strong. . . (The doctor did lab work before we started this little experiment but I haven't gotten my hands on it yet). I guess I'm lucky because I was over prescribed on everything so I feel pretty safe cutting back until if feels right. I'm not sure if I can describe the subtleties of how it feels, but I believe I can differentiate between hyper T3, hyper T4, hypo T3 and hypo T4. I've been tweaking the T3/T4 doses until it feels right to me. In a month or so I'll go back to the doctor so he can do his tests, but I'm now responsible for finding the dosage of T3/T4 that works for me and no doctor will ever again tell me what I can and cannot have in this arena. It does seem to take a few days to get used to the cytomel. I had big swings the first few days going manic after taking a big dose and then getting a headache as it wore off. I dissolve mine in water and sip it through the day for now but I have some time release on order. I guess it can't help everyone but for me it was certainly worth the effort to get the T3 . . . and would have been worth whatever effort was necessary. Good luck, Stuart C Macinga wrote: > Thank you for your responses. I have an idea of how to work with my > doctor now. Anyone else have thoughts on the T3/T4 Protocol? > Thank you, my friends, > Carol M. ___________________________________________ From: "Arlyn Graant" Newsgroups: Sent: July 27, 2000 Subject: Re: A visit to Mayo Clinic I tried for two years to get my endo to try Cytomel because I did not feel well at all. I thought if I tried a T3 suppliment as well as the Synthroid that I would feel better. However, my endo was an idiot and refused to even try. Finally, I pissed her off enough that she finally put me on Armour - because she doesn't believe in synthetic T3. Six weeks later I was beginning to feel as if she was right and I would never feel any better. And then one morning I woke up and the world had completely changed. The armour completely changed my life. I still want to try upping my dosage a little to see if that helps, but I am unable to find a doctor who is willing to try. ar ___________________________________________ From: "Valerie T" Newsgroups: Sent: July 27, 2000 Subject: Intro, Just switched to Armour Hi, I just moved, left an X that called me fat & lazy, convinced my DR after 10 long years of begging to switch me to Armour, and I am beginning a FANTASTIC new life! Can you tell I feel wonderful? I am finally losing weight, I just switched about 2 weeks ago, so this is much better than I had anticipated, and the energy... like dropping 20 years of old age! Hope to gain some great tips from this forum. ___________________________________________ From: "Lauri" Newsgroups: Sent: July 5, 2000 Subject: Re: info please There are some mornings when I wake up and my feet are painful and hard to walk on. This happens more often in my fingers (although almost gone since T3) where they are stiff and hard to bend in the morning. I think the thing in my feet is the same sort of thing. Lauri in FL ___________________________________________ From: "Stuart Harris" Newsgroups: Sent: June 28, 2000 Subject: Cytomel - day two Well, in spite of my misgivings I went ahead with the full dose of 25 mcg cytomel today plus 88 mcg of levoxyl. Felt great until about 7:00. Four people complimented me on my clothes which were not new . . . makes me suspect they could tell that I looked better and focused on the clothes since they didn't want to say "wow - you're awake". I found that I was laughing more, was more social, and was able to spend less time trying to follow the ideas of others and contribute more ideas of my own. No signs at all of going hyper - I can hardly wait until day three. Stuart ___________________________________________ From: "Laura" Newsgroups: Sent: June 7, 2000 Subject: Re: T3 meds - dosage help needed While on the 75 mcg of synthroid my blood test was normal for free t4 and closer to zero for free t3 -(this is what allowed me to convince the doctor to try cytomel). I mainly had constipation, brain fog, dry skin, cold intolerance, weight gain, and my blood pressure was higher than the doctors like but low enough not to medicate. The doc dropped my synthroid (T4) from 75mcg to 50mcg when he added 10mcg of cytomel (T3). This was way too low. I started getting really bad hypo symptoms within a week. I was among the living dead. My skin was so dry it was cracking and bleeding. Blood work with this dose was free T3 was still low and free T4 now dropped below normal. We raised my synthroid back to 75mcg while keeping the 10mcg of cytomel. I was still having hypo symptoms, but not as severe. My free T3 levels finally reached low normal, but my free T4 levels remained low. We raised my synthroid to 100mcg and kept me on 10mcg of cytomel. It took about two weeks, but I finally began feeling normal. My blood work looks good now. Both Free T3 and T4 are in the normal range except TSH is now suppressed, but I feel WONDERFUL. Constipation, brain fog, dry skin, and cold intolerance is gone. My blood pressure has even come down to really great levels. The weight is even beginning to come off as well. Let me repeat myself, I feel GREAT! -- Laura ___________________________________________ From: Newsgroups: Sent: May 6, 2000 Subject: Re: everyone on T-3 (Cytomel) CTyler1072 wrote: I am just wondering where everyone elses freeT-3 levels are running. I am finding that I have to have a level of at least 3.0 to feel well. Anything below and I have the fatigue and muscle problems. Would like to hear how others are doing. I was put on T3 after my thyroidectomy and took 30mcg a day, 10mcg three times a day. It made me feel great and much more alert and full of energy than I had been with my own thyroid. Unfortunately I am off all thyroid hormone at the moment as I am awaiting an RAI scan next Friday. Monica. ___________________________________________ From: "Pat" To: foto lady gail Sent: April 29, 2000 Subject: Re: Cytomel Against her better judgement the doctor let me go on 5mcg cytomel twice a day. She said she didn't think it would make a difference but she believes that a patient knows her body best. (She's a new doctor and very understanding). I saw her a month later, she had never seen me prior to the one visit when I was complaining about everything. When I walked into the office she said - Pat - don't even tell me - you look fantastic - I know the cytomel works and you are staying on it!!! She couldn't believe how much better I looked, how my personality was "up" instead of down, I can now sleep, I am off ambien for sleeping, I've lost weight and I'm just plain happy - again Thank you. Pat ___________________________________________ From: "IAmLesterBurnham" Newsgroups: Sent: April 27, 2000 Subject: Re: What Has Taking T3 Done For You? My 2 cents worth. Before T3 (Only 150mcg T4) ... Low energy, poor memory, significant brain fog, occasional mild/moderate depression. After adding T3 (125mcg T4, 10mcg T3) ... More energy (but still need more), cognative skills improved, brain fog almost eliminated immediately, little improvement in depression. I'll take 3 out of 4 any day. New blood work in the next couple of weeks. May need to increase T4 ?? ___________________________________________ From: "Kari" Newsgroups: Sent: April 27, 2000 Subject: Re: What Has Taking T3 Done For You? I took synthyroid for 15 years. Within 2 weeks of starting amourthyoird; I went from sleeping 10 hours a day with a nap to sleeping 8 hours with no nap, colors seemed brighter, my mood was happier and more alive, people were not having to finish my sentences because I was forgetting words, I stop delegating work to others (because now I had the energy to do it myself), I stopped dreading outtings because of worry of whether I would have energy or not to attend, the only drawback I can think of is I stopped reading so many books (I have energy for other activities). Lab on Synthryoid TSH 5.07 (normal .49-4.67) Free T4 1.41 (normal 0.71-1.85) Total Cholesterol 232 (normal under 200) Labs on Amourthyroid TSH 0.06 (normal 0.49-4.67) T4 7.37 (normal 4.5-12.0) T3 Uptake % 34.64 (normal 23-40) T4I 4.8 (normal 3.1-8.7) T7 2.6 (normal 1.1-5.3) Total Cholesterol 170 (normal under 200) My labs were out of the normal on synthyroid because when the doctor would up my medicine I would get heart palpitations. He, nor any of the other 4 doctors I seen prior to him, ever thought of changing my medicine to a different kind because everyone knows synthyroid is the best (that was sarcasm). With amourthyroid every value is normal but TSH. Two things to note, with synthyroid my cholesterol was high, with amourthyroid my cholesterol is normal. While diabetes runs in my family, I was diagnosed with PCOS with insulin resistance. My first lab results for insulin resistance came back over 4 times normal value (86 with normal being under 20). Through diet, exercise, and perhaps proper treatment of my thyroid, my fasting insulin was 36 (normal under 20). Still very bad, but a big improvement. I have been on amourthyroid 17 months and would never switch back to synthyroid or any just T4 medicine again. Kari ___________________________________________ From: "AH" Newsgroups: Sent: April 27, 2000 Subject: Re: What Has Taking T3 Done For You? My tsh dropped drastically (it's much more responsive to t3) and my moods, energy, and feelings of wellness improved significantly. Depression was a symptom in my case - constant exhaustion left me SOUR, quite frankly. In the real world, with a real thyroid, the body puts out varying amounts of t3 depending on what you need/call for, if you will. It's a shame that we can't really replicate that because if I am terribly stressed or physically taxed I burn right through the stuff and run out of gas. On pure t4 this used to happen DAILY. On a mix, it happens but somehow I'm able to cope with it. Love my t3. -- Alyson "Brian Dove" wrote: I want to know for those of you who previously took T4 only and are now taking T4 + T3, what did changing your meds do for you (what symptoms were improved or eliminated) and how long did it take you to notice results? Also if you recall what your lab values were before and after that would be appreciated. ___________________________________________ From: "Default User" Newsgroups: Sent: March 16, 2000 Subject: Re: triiodo-L-thyroinine = T-3, a Brain Chemical Read Ridah Arem's book "the thyroid solution". ( ~ $25 at Barnes & Noble) The Doc's don't have (most of them) any clue on T-3 dosage, and combining it with T-4. The makers of either T-3 and T-4 will not sponsor research combining the two. Both occurs naturally in the body. My friendly, but stupid doc, wanted me to take 1 - 3 25 microgram Cytomel per day. ( approx equal to 300 - 750 micrograms of T-4) I get heart palps at 50 ug T-4, I don't think I'd survive that dose. I kept my below par dose of 50 ug T-4 and *added* a quarter of the cytomel per day. My TSH went from 12.5 to 2.5 with the addition of 6 ug per day. T-3 occurs normally in the body, the harm is NOT taking it. T-3 is 4 - 10 times more potent than T-4. The T-3 is a T-4 metabolite, about 50% of the T-4 does not get converted to the usable T-3 form. Ridah states you may get PERMANENT brain damage if you don't get enough T-3. I'll think I do. My brain-fog lifted two hours after taking my first Cytomel. My memory is recovering but still not back to the pre-Graves era, 3 years ago (3.5?). Several people I know have tried T-3 and reported similar good results (4 out of 4). One of these ppl's doc's scared her into believing T-3 WITH T-4 was dangerous. She stopped taking T-3 and went back to her borderline "insanity". It did not take her long to figure out the lack of T-3 was baaad news. Another person's doc will not prescribe her T-3 "because the TSH-level is fine". Nevermind her brainfog that vaporized two hours after taking T-3. I'll think she will be changing doc's soon. ________________________________________ From: "Terri M" Newsgroups: Sent: March 7, 2000 Subject: Re: ziger/Sonya" I'm dumbstruck reading about your troubles getting your meds switched. FWIW, my labs were in the normal range when my doctor switched me to Thyrolar. Last weekend, we went to visit my step-daughter. When we were over 100 miles down the road, I realized I'd forgotten my Thyrolar. I debated about going back and adding three+ hours to a 6-hour trip. Since my step-daughter is hypothyroid, I decided to use her Synthroid. Each day of the weekend, I needed an afternoon nap--I ran out of steam and couldn't go on, just fell asleep. OK, I only took 112mcg of Synthroid rather than 125 (I take 1-1/4 grains Thyrolar, which I'm pretty sure is therapeutically equivalent to 125mcg Synthroid, but STILL!!) I haven't needed an afternoon nap once since starting the Thyrolar and I have no brain fog, and I've stopped gaining weight--even lost 10#!. I gained 15# after starting Synthroid. ___________________________________________ From: "John Riggs" Newsgroups: Sent: March 3, 2000 Subject: Re: Headaches & Hypo I had quite a few of the problems you are describing up to the point I started adding T3 to the mix. The sinuses cleared, the vision improved, headaches went away, libido returned, cognitive abilities improved, and sleep returned to normal. Those are just a few of the things that improved by adding a relatively cheap pill. I would much prefer to do that than have someone play with my eyes with light for a lot of money. You might want to inquire of your doctor if he would be up to trying it for a month. I think you'd be ahead of the game and if it works great. I have my doubts about flashing lights, however. Well, that's my opinion, for what it's worth, but what do I know. I'm not a doc and I don't try to play one of TV ( or the radio, the back porch, on top of the fridge.....) 8-) Pam wrote: Hi! I Get those headaches as well. Mostly across my eyes and sinuses and feel light headed - I am Hypo and thought it was that as well. I also had my eyes checked just today and I went through a colour exam and my vision is way off. Almost like I'm drunk or had one to many. I will be starting "light therapy" on March 20th - 5 sessions - I believe I will be in a quite dark room with lights flashing. I also have to do eye exercises. I'm hoping this will bring some relief. I will let you know...... JOHN wrote: Does anyone else with hypothyroidism suffer with headaches, they are like stress headaches I guess but I am not stressed about anything. I have pains in the back of my head and down into my neck and shoulders. I also have aching across my eyes and sinuses and feel slightly light headed now and again. Is this a hypo symptom please ___________________________________________ From: JW Newsgroups: Sent: February 27, 2000 Subject: Re: (T3 + T4) vs Armour I have grave's and had the RAI 4 years ago. I tried Synthroid for 2 and a half years and even with the proper levels in my test still felt horrible. I have been on Armour/ 105 once a day for a year and a half and feel great!! ___________________________________________ From: Andrea Dawn Martell el347@FreeNet.Carleton.CA Newsgroups: Sent: February 12, 2000 Subject: Re: Cytomel/T3 Question "ElaineP" writes: It doesn't happen for everyone, but within a half hour of taking my first dose I thought I was going crazy because colors were more vivid and things looked sharper in general. I can attest to this to a point. On my first week of desiccated thyroid, I was on my way to the library. I looked up at the sky (it was dusk) and I could see all these different colours of blue. I thought "Oh my good is this the beauty I've missed". -- Andrea Martell ___________________________________________ From: ElaineP Newsgroups: Sent: February 12, 2000 Subject: Re: Cytomel/T3 Question Before starting on T3 I was also concerned because there were several people on this NG who started T3 recently, but no one had long term experience with it. However, I decided that I had nothing to lose, since the half-life is so short. All of it is out of your system in a few days if you stop. It's a very personal decision and only you can decide if you're comfortable with it. In my own case I felt an immediate difference. I felt incredibly better for about a week and a half. Then I settled down into just feeling "normal". I have no brain fog at all. This was demonstrated to me recently. I take two doses of 5mcg Cytomel. The second dose is at 2 PM. This has worked very well for me. However, I went to a party that lasted past my bedtime. At around 11 PM I was getting upset with myself because I was having trouble finding words. I wasn't more tired than anyone else at that hour, but brain fog was setting in thick. The next day I realized that it was because the Cytomel had worn off. I know that John will take an extra Cytomel if his day is going to be rough. I'm thinking of taking an extra one if I'm going to be up very late. Elaine ___________________________________________ From: HW Newsgroups: Sent: February 12, 2000 Subject: Re: T3 for a long time and happy with it?? I have graves and was nuked 4 years ago. I was put on Synthroid and for 2 years even with normal test results felt horrible. I then talked them into trying me on Armour thyroid replacemnet and after a little adjusting, felt like a human again. ___________________________________________ From: June O'Toole Newsgroups: Sent: February 11, 2000 Subject: Re: T3 for a long time and happy with it?? I've been taking cytomel since Thanksgiving. I went from .137 Levoxyl to .125 plus 25mcg Cytomel and after four weeks my levels actually went down a little. they were a bit high on the .137. I have been feeling much better. I am able to handle stress easier, less brain fog and memory problems and overall more even mood. I slept really well when I first started taking the Cytomel but that has not been consistent, although I think overall I am sleeping better than before taking it . I would definitely recommend Cytomel. I think anyone whose thinking about taking it should at least give it a try. June "Debbie @]----->----" wrote: I would LOVE to hear from anyone who has begun T3 in addition to T4 and feeling better for an extended period of time. Can you tell us how it made you feel better? Did it take awhile to get to a stable doseage? What was wrong before you started it? What is better now? What form? - extended release or Cytomel? Thanks so much! Debbie @}-->--- ___________________________________________ From: Andrea Dawn Martell el347@FreeNet.Carleton.CA Newsgroups: Sent: February 6, 2000 Subject: After 10 days on "thyroid"(desiccated) Dear Group, I wanted to share some good news with you. As you know a couple weeks ago I had another bad fatigue episode while working and seriously thought of going to emergency because the medical system was driving me crazy. Well, I had an old prescription for desiccated thyroid (60mg) that I'd finally talked my gp into giving me but was unable to get filled because it was being taken off the market. This group told me it was put back on and someone here directed me to where I could get it in Ottawa. I've been on it for about 10 days, and I'd like to bless all of you. In 10 days, my eczema is almost gone, my insomnia is gone and I'm sleeping deeper. In fact my restless leg syndrome is less frequent and annoying. I've had acne since age 9 (about the same time some of my symptoms started showing). My acne cleared up, but scarring and breakouts never stopped, well in 10 days my skin softer, and my pores are smaller. I have so much more energy. I don't get tired til the evening when everyone else does. Best of all, it's like my brain is back! I don't ever remember my head feelings this clear even when I was teenager, long before my diagnosis. I think perhaps I've been suffering with thyroid disease a lot longer than I thought. As well, my emotions are more balanced...and my hands are actually warm in some parts of the day. So I am one happy 23 year old woman right now. If this is the 10th day of treatment, I can't wait to see the results of 20. :) Thank you all. Bless you. ___________________________________________ From: Sonya Newsgroups: Sent: January 31, 2000 Subject: 21 Days of T-3 (update) I would just like to tell everyone that I've been on the T-3 T-4 combination for 21 days and I'm feeling great. It has helped so many of my symptoms and today was the 2nd. day that I didn't have to have a nap. My muscle aches and bone pain are gone, the fatigue is gone, dry skin is so much better, brain fog is so much better, and I was having dizzy spells 2-3 times a day and I have only had 1 in 21 days. I wish everyone could get there Dr.'s to write it for them so they could feel better also. I haven't had much body temperature change yet but hopefully that will go up so I won't be so cold. Thanks for all the information so I could find out about the T-3. C-YA Sonya ___________________________________________ From: "Rosey" Newsgroups: Sent: January 29, 2000 Subject: Re: How long for T3 to be noticeable? I started T3 almost a month ago. For the first two weeks, I really didn't feel much of a difference. For the last two weeks, I have been feeling better and better. I suppose it was a gradual change from the start, but it took a while for me to have a clear feeling that it was helping. Certainly there was no night and day difference when I took the first pill! Rosey in MI Vlm448 I was curious as to how long before people have noticed differences after starting the T3. ___________________________________________ From: Sonya Newsgroups: Sent: January 17, 2000 Subject: Re: cytomel and hypo symptoms Hi, I just recently started the Cytomel 25mcg split in half and taken 2 times a day. I take the first dose at 6:00 a.m. with Synthroid 150 and 2nd dosage at 1:00. I've been taking the T-3 for a week now and I feel great. My brain fog is much better, muscle pain is gone and finally my body temperature was 98.6 yesterday for the first time. For the last year I felt like total crud and finally I'm feeling like my old self again and it's great. Good Luck! C-YA Sonya ___________________________________________ From: JW Newsgroups: Sent: January 16, 2000 Subject: Re: Graves and RAI If you do not feel right when your levels are in the normal range, you may want to try Armour thyroid instead of Synthroid. I tried synthroid for 2 years and never felt right but once I got on the Armour I was ok. ___________________________________________ From: Jeanne & Pete McKenna Newsgroups: Sent: January 7, 2000 Subject: Re: T-4,T-3 Combo. my story kind of ditto's Elaines... My doc is a GP, and at first he balked, but he knows me pretty well and probably figured I'd win out eventually ;) He congratulated me by saying I am one of his most informed patients (and I thank all you kind folks on this NG for that information) I would have to say that since I've been taking a lower dosage of the T3 that he originally prescribed, along with the reduced Synthroid I have not had any serious bouts of depression -- in fact, I have stopped taking anti depressants for the last 3 weeks. So, for me, this combo is definitely working. Good health to all. Jeanne ElaineP wrote: When I first asked my doctor about T4/T3 combo she said that it would not be needed since my T3 levels were ok and therefore I didn't have a conversion problem. She said that's what she used it for. On my next visit I brought Arem's book and the NEJM article and explained that Dr. Arem seems to use T3 whenever a patient still didn't feel well, and not necessarily for conversion problems. The NEJM article also did not mention that the subjects were controlled for T3 T4 labs. I offered to lend her the book. (she declined) I asked if we could just try it. She said yes. I've had such good success with it that I'm working on a letter to her thanking her for letting me try it. ___________________________________________ From: ElaineP Newsgroups: Sent: December 24, 1999 Subject: Re: Need some advice !!!! It's funny that I didn't think of the blurry vision and dizziness as thyroid related. It's amazing how quickly we forget pain. When I was still very hypo I had balance problems. I was even falling at strange times (not tripping over anything). As for the blurry vision, I should have thought of that since I started on Cytomel recently and one of the amazing results was that I found that my vision was sharper. (I hadn't thought of my vision as blurry before) Elaine __________________________________________ From: Nancy Vanneste Newsgroups: Sent: December 20, 1999 Subject: Re: t4 to t3 how do you know I was doing "okay" for years on just Synthroid. Then I added Cytomel after reading about it on this newsgroup. My life has completely changed - so this is what it's like to go through life awake.... I won't give up my Cytomel for anything. Nancy wrote: Go by how you feel. B&B I couldn't live without that 'extra 10%' of joy in my life. I didn't like the brain fog. I didn't like being cold. I LOVE taking the T3. Only you can decide. Kind regards Marianna Gorgo wrote: Hi I have been hypo for two yrs now . My readings are as follows tsh--.086(endo wants it low) t4 1.31 t3 131 so how would I know if I need to add t3? The only reason why I ask is because I still have muscle aches and occasionally brain fog, I find it hard to get up in the morning. However I do feel s0000 much better than before so going by my tests what do you guys think? thanks Pschmetz ___________________________________________ From: db Newsgroups: Sent: December 11, 1999 Subject: on a happy note Like many of you I have been through the wringer with this thyroid crap. With a new nodule on my already subtotally removed thyroid it's hard to tell what will happen....but for the moment, and in the recent past, I have felt great (or at least a great deal better). all thanks to Cytomel. ask for it. demand to try it. I only take 5 mcg a day, it's all I can tolerate, apparently. but that 5 mcg helps tremendously!! the point is for newcomers, it does get better. less than 6 months ago, members of this group persuaded me not to jump off of a bridge. glad I didn't hang in there. all the best and merry christmas! db ___________________________________________ From: Default User Newsgroups: Sent: December 7, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 back to life thanks to ppl who posted on this NG. I feel 300% better hours after taking cytomel (it's all in my head!) . brainfog is gone. the lead in my limbs is gone. My heart keeps ticking a bit fast though. I've to check up on the adrenal glands. My doctor had never heard of cytomel, but he prescribed it after checking with the Physicians Desk Reference. I'm glad I have cytomel now and pizzed that i didn't have it earlier. ___________________________________________ From: Newsgroups: Sent: December 7, 1999 Subject: Re: Update [was: Feeling depressed and alone] Sonja, My TSH was 0.06 a month ago and I was still hypo (brain fogged, poor memory) on 175mcg T4. I already feel much better on 125mcg T4 and 5mcg+5mcg T3. My stomach/intestines feel more settled, my head seems "clear" and memory is much improved. I assume that the reduced T4 will have allowed my TSH to increase - I'll let the group know when I retest in a few weeks. One factor that doctors seem to look for is weight changes - expecting that hyper causes weight reduction. Since changing to T4/T3 I would say that I have lost some weight - but I put the reason down to the settled stomach, loss of an urge to eat sugary foods. What does the stomach use its T4 excess for? Storing fat? Anyone know? Neville Sonja Midtlien wrote: I managed to get some of my results today and they say that my TSH is 0,07(normal between 0,2 and 4,5) and TPO AS is more than 1000 (normal is under 18). My TSH is probably the reason for my doctor to say I am hyper now. But I still feel hypo. Sonja. ___________________________________________ From: Susan Fein sufein@aol.comnospam Newsgroups: Sent: December 5, 1999 Subject: Re: TR T3 and depression T3 was miraculous for me, and I'm not taking time released. Just 5 mcg 2X per day of Cytomel began to pull me out of a months long hell after a week, and really back to good within 4-6 weeks. I had gotten increasingly depressed on extreme low carbs, which can prevent conversion of T4 to T3 in some people (and I've been on the low end already for years), but I have to eat that way due to other conditions. When I was without the Cytomel for a day and a half, my mood started to deteriorate and I became irritable and grouchy again. Susan _______________________________________ From: BT Landry Newsgroups: Sent: December 4, 1999 Subject: Re: Time-released T3? My doc said the same thing. She said there's no way to be sure of the actual dosage (vs. claimed dosage), and showed me charts of how much different drugs varied over their claimed concentration. But here's the thing: yeah that could be a big problem with T4, but with T3, who cares? Who even cares what the claimed dosage is? You'll know in 12 hours if you need more or less for your next dose, it's pretty much that simple. And so what if the potency varies from bottle to bottle? You'll know in 12 hours if you need more or less. If each pill in one bottle varies dramatically, that could be a problem, but considering how they are produced it's not likely. I'm going to try to use this logic on her to let me order it. BTW, I convinced my doc to let my take Cytomel, and I fell WONDERFUL! Maybe three times in the last two weeks I overshot my dose and felt hyper, but usually I feel great. Before T3, my thyroid tests have lately been consistently coming back normal (TSH close to 2 either way), but I was still in a fog all the time. It's gone now for the first time in years! The only drawback is I still have swings a couple times a day where I go hypo and get cold, sluggish, and foggy. Then I know it's time to take another Cytomel. DAHoberg" wrote: Sorry for being nosey and putting a damper on things since it's been awhile since I've been here, but I just had to say that in my opinion going to a time release form of T3 *may* not be a good idea. I asked my endo about this and he said there are no regulations involved in mixing this form of replacement and therefore the patient wouldn't know what is being used as a filler to make the time release form. In other words there would be no way of knowing if whatever else is in there would be toxic to the liver or kidneys. Again, I apologize for popping everyone's bubble here. )o: Hugs, Kris ___________________________________________ From: Jim Jenkins Newsgroups: Sent: December 1, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 I started taking "Timed Released T3" alone a month ago starting dose 7.5 mcg twice a day and immediately felt better, after two weeks I upped my dose to 15 mcg and feel absolutely great! like a normal person again with absolutely no side affects, no highs or lows, just normal (even mood) and my body temperature is rising steadily as I improve every day. I had all the HYPO symptoms and a very low body temperature (average 96.8). Previously a month of T4 therapy made me feel worse so I demanded the timed release T3 from my doctor. As I understand the hypo symptoms and low body temperature is an indication of a conversion problem from T4 to T3, which explains why more T4 did not help me, just made me worse (I needed more T3) Some people do well with a combination of T4 & T3, depends upon your problem. If you have all the hypo symptoms and a low body temperature and your all tests come back normal T3 could be the answer. The above is just my opinion and my personal experience, I'm not a doctor "THANK HEAVENS" Jim Jenkins __________________________________________ From: ElaineP Newsgroups: Sent: November 30, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 Martin, I experienced a calming effect within hours of taking my first 5 mcg dose. (decreasing anxiety I didn't know I had?) In the first week and a half I had some headaches, which I hear is common when starting T3. After 2 weeks I feel better than I have in a long time. No headaches. Just feeling normal. In the last few years I've been worried that there really wasn't such a thing as feeling normal, that I was expecting too much. I do feel a small crash in the evening, but it's nothing like the old brain fogged, don't make me move tiredness I used to feel. This could just be normal end of day tiredness - it's been so long that I've felt this good that I don't know what is normal or not. My next step is to ask my doctor about time release Cytomel to see if it evens things out a bit. I'm currently taking 5 mcg Cytomel twice a day in addition to Levoxyl at a lower dose. Elaine Martin Spigelman wrote: How long did it take for you to experience the improvement after you started taking the T3? Also, how much T3 do you take? ___________________________________________ From: ElaineP Newsgroups: Sent: November 26, 1999 Subject: Re: Shot down Retanne, Ok, I'll control myself this time and not go into a tirade about doctors like yours, but it does get me sooooo angry. If I were you I'd try the next town over, or the next. Don't give up, don't let them win. You have a better life out there. Travel as far as you need to. I started on T4/T3 last week and I can't tell you how incredible the difference is. I've been on Synthroid alone for the past 12 years and have never felt "normal". I've felt "better", and "ok", but not normal like I do now. Last night (Thanksgiving) while my relatives were saying it was time for a nap (after dinner), I wasn't tired and couldn't understand why someone would want a nap at 7pm. (How quickly one forgets!) Lets win this one! Elaine snip Well, after interviewing 14 doctors (almost the entire town), I haven't found one that is agreeable to a trial with T4/T3. There are no endocrinologists here. So...I give up! They win! Apparently, THIS is my life. Retanne ___________________________________________ From: Brenda & David Newsgroups: Sent: November 23, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 After being on just Thyroxine for 8+ years I also switched to the T4/T3 combination (Cytomel). My depression, brain fog, and tiredness are gone. I'm back in the land of the living. David ___________________________________________ From: Robin Newsgroups: Sent: November 23, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 I have been on T3 for about 4 months. Before I had been on Synthroid for over a year with little relief from symptoms. I was tired all the time and was turning into a balloon. I was in a constant fog and extremely depressed. With a dosage of 5 mcg twice a day added to a lower dosage of Synthroid, I've been able to start functioning again. My color is better and I can think again. I also am not depressed again. I even have enough energy to go to the gym and exercise. The doctor says I need to give it another couple of months but that I'm on the road to recovery. I still suffer from fatigue in the afternoons. It has given me back my life. Robin ___________________________________________ From: Marianna Newsgroups: Sent: November 22, 1999 Subject: Why I love T3 For those of you now successfully taking T3, it's time to let other people know about it. Even if you've posted on this subject before, please add your input. My story is this: 37 yr old female started taking T3 in February 99 and life has changed. Periods (blush) are regular (I spotted for three years and had three gynae ops to no avail) I have not had a sinus infection since I started taking T3 after suffering from them for over 15 years and my energy level has improved. I am also warmer and can think clearly. I take 150mcgs thyroxine and 10-20 mcgs of Tertroxin daily. ___________________________________________ From: Kristy Bloxham Newsgroups: Sent: November 22, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 I started taking Cytomel only (my T4 levels were normal) about 8 weeks ago. After suffering with brain fog, muscle pain, tiredness, inability to concentrate, joint pain, and who knows what else; I feel much better. I couldn't find T3 in a timed release formula so I had my Dr. prescribe it in the 5 mcg. pills. I take these every 2-3 hours during the day. That has helped me an immense amount. I did feel hyper for about 3 hours when I was on the 25 mcg. pills once a day. Then about 7 at night I would crash hard. Now I am doing better. It feels so good to just feel good again. My only concern is that my TSH levels went from 2.9 to .079. The Dr. dropped my dosage a little bit but he didn't seem concerned. I don't know if I should worry or not. At least I feel better. ___________________________________________ From: Magda Newsgroups: Sent: November 22, 1999 Subject: Re: Why I love T3 Ok, I'll follow ! I had been on T4 for six months and feeling as bad as always, when I started T3. In one week the muscle pain I had had for so long - I used to think it was "fatigue", it was *pain* ! - disappeared, and I was happily walking kilometres again without stopping "to rest". I used to feel cold to the bones, but that was gone too. These days I swear, I'd rather go without food, than without my beloved T3 ! Luckily, it's so dirty cheap I don't risk hung pains ! ;-)) ___________________________________________ From: Susan E Barr Newsgroups: Sent: November 21, 1999 Subject: Re: Searching For Answers. I was hypothyroid and on Synthroid from '92 to '98 when I got so sick I could not function. Changed to Armour thyroid (has T3 and T4) in '98 and am slowly getting my life back. My sister also did not do well on just Synthroid and had to be switched to T3 and T4 - then got better. Some people need both T3 and T4. At any rate, it should not take a year to stabilize your TSH into the normal range. You should probably insist on one consultation with an endocrinologist - if only for a second opinion. Sheryl Paul ( wrote: (the same entry responded to by John Riggs in the last post here) ___________________________________________ From: Nancy Vanneste Newsgroups: Sent: November 20, 1999 Subject: Re: T-3/T-4 Help !! I have felt more in control of my thyroid ups and downs with the T3 added to my Synthroid. I now have a more consistent state of feeling good, because if I have a day where I am a bit more tired or start to feel some of that brain fog coming back, I take an extra 3 mcg Cytomel in the afternoon. It has been a miracle for me...I hope it works as well for you. Nancy ___________________________________________ From: ElaineP Newsgroups: Sent: November 20, 1999 Subject: Re: T-3/T-4 Help !! What good is the TSH test if it shows that you are "normal", but feel awful? Conversely, what is the down side of feeling really good, but having screwy TSH lab tests? Elaine (who just convinced her doctor to try it and after only four days is feeling like she rejoined the human race) wrote: Ok I have been to 3 different Doc's now armed to the teeth with literature from this NG and have not been able to find a Doc willing to prescribe a T3/T4 combo. Today I saw Dr Burch (endo Duke Medical ) and he told me that once they put you on a T3 supplement your TSH test Becomes unreliable!! Is this True (my gut says NOT) People I really need help! Is there a Doc in North or South Carolina that deals with T3/T4 Hell is there a DOc anywhere in the Country you can recommend !!! I'm ready to fly anywhere!! Me on synthroid almost 15 years and feel i'm going crazy trying to find a good Doc ___________________________________________ From: Marianna Newsgroups: Sent: November 20, 1999 Subject: Re: Headaches & Hypothyroidism Your headaches sound sinus-related. I had sinus problems until I started adding in T3, (alternating 10-20mcgs daily) in England it's called Tertroxin and in France it's called Cynomel and in the US it's Called Cytomel. Along with my 150mcgs of thyroxine. This changed my life. I also put a drop of olive oil in each ear after a shower or bath. I have not had a sinus infection for over nine months, and I feel wonderful on it. Kind regards Marianna Alyson and Eric Oberman wrote: Hi All! I had RAI and am hypothyroid. My synthroid was just increased 6 weeks ago. I have been experiencing headaches every day. I also get recurring sinus infections but I am not sure if the headaches are sinus or thyroid related. Has anyone else experienced daily headaches? Thanks for your help! Alyson ___________________________________________ From: Nancy Vanneste Newsgroups: Sent: November 16, 1999 Subject: Re: Adding Cytomel! Adding Cytomel to my Synthroid has literally changed my life. I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. I had my IQ tested before and after the Cytomel and it went up twenty points. I now have a programming job that I could never have handled before, and am the top candidate for another job as senior programmer for another company at more than twice the salary I was making one year ago. My weight has stabilized at what is in my opinion about ten pounds too much, but I'm comfortable with that...I was thirty pounds heavier and according to my family, they could see the weight "melt" off after starting the Cytomel. I now only need about 7 hours sleep a night, compared to needing up to 12 hours before. I have a much better attitude about life and am really having fun with life now, for the first time in a very long time. I actually didn't know it could be so good. I was on Synthroid alone for about ten years before adding the Cytomel...sure wish I hadn't gone so long without it. If only I knew then what I know now.... Nancy Paul wrote: I would be interested to know how this addition of Cytomel works for those of you who are currently taking this medication along with Synthroid. ___________________________________________ From: John Riggsewsgroups: Sent: November 16, 1999 Subject: Re: Searching For Answers. Geeez, can I relate. It took adding Cytomel to make the difference. Paul wrote: Hi. I am a 23 year old male who has been struggling with bringing my hypothyroid status back to normal for almost 1.5 years now. My initial TSH level was 73 and I had many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. This included hair loss, severe headaches, extreme fatigue, dry skin, nausea secondary to GI reflux resulting from decreased GI motility, forgetfulness, blunted emotions, and difficulty with concentrating along with decreased mental acuity. I also experienced episodes of dizziness which became rather frightening at times. Since my original diagnosis, my doctor has tried adjusting the dosage of synthroid numerous times in relation to my symptoms. Now the GI symptoms have resolved along with the dry skin and hair loss (which has since regrown) and my emotions are returning, but I still have trouble with memory lapses, concentration and mental fogginess. At times, I will also experience some levels of nervousness/jitteriness although this seems to occur more frequently with changes in synthroid dosage. I am currently reading Dr. Arem's book and recently discussed with my doctor the option of including Cytomel or some other form of synthetic T3 along with the synthroid, however, I still need to bring my TSH levels to a consistently normal level before I could even consider including the T3 supplement. My doctor does not think this will be necissary nor does she feel that my condition warrants a consultation with an endocrinologist. She has stated that bringing my symptoms under control should only require fine tuning of the synthroid dosage once it stablizes within the normal range. Has anyone else experienced a TSH imbalance this severe? If so, how longdid it take you to overcome the hypothyroid symptoms and to what extent did you recover? While I am feeling somewhat better compared to a year ago, I certainly do not feel like my normal self and am trying to find a way to get my life back on track. Any insight or helpful thoughts on the issue would be appreciated.
Forgive me if the following is redundant,,,,but after many years of research,,,my friend, who was on it for 20 years,,and tried the various thyroid products,,,nothing,,nothing ever will compare to Proloid,,,I guess it has to do with the fact it has both t3 and t4,,and it is not dessicated,,but just like getting the "whole" natural thyroid gland from a "porcine" source!! Parke-Davis does not carry it here in the U.S.,,but the best source for getting it is in Chile! Lets band together and find a supplier!! You can e-mail if you want me to explain more about Proloid,,even my friend Dolores,,doesn't mind people(serious) calling her if they really want to know why this(Proloid) worked,,and the rest,,just doesn't cut the mustard!(and i'm being nice).I think Dr. Broda Barnes book,,"Hypothyroidism,,the unsuspected illness",,would give insight as to what I am trying to convey to everyone! Barnes did use Armour,,but at that time,,the formula was similar to proloid,,through our research,,we have found Armour has changed that formula a few times since then! Dr. Barnes attributed many of our illnesses,,to low thyroid function,,,subclinical in a lot of cases,,,which he has you do a home test,,to see if you need to take thyroid hormone! If he is right,,and I believe he was,,a lot of things like..heart attacks,,cancer,,fatigue,,hair loss,,would have been prevented in nearly all cases,,and some of these possibly reversed. No wonder they got rid of it,oh,,it was not a moneymaker..your talking two or 3 dollars, for a hunderd tablets! Remember,,,you can't make money off a "well" person! Sound skeptical??,,hmm,,you tell me,,it was on the tv news the other day,,a local doctor here in Cleveland said that, now,,there was a tie in between low thyroid and breast cancer,,as she lost her beautiful daughter a few years ago,,and when she was younger,,was on synthroid and had other types of thyroid treatment! Hmm,,Dolores has been beating that into my head for years,,but you know,,i'd go.,,sure,,your no doctor! But the evidence is pouring in,,on all these diseases and hypothyroidism! Remember just a few years ago when Doctors would say,,Save your money on vitamins,,well,,the truth really was,,Save your money on Doctors! I will repost my request after this letter,,sorry if i'm being redundant,,but as you see,,this is extremely important! Thanks for listening...........Dave C.