
Hvordan omregne mol/L til g/dl

Denne siden er på norsk og engelsk...

En nettside om å omvandle SI enheter til amerikanske enheter og tilbake: http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/scales/clinical_data.html

Omregningsfaktorene framkommer ved å dividere 1000 eller 10 ellerdet som passer med molvekten.
Jeg prøvde også å multiplisere mol/L med sin molvekt som er det samme gjort motsatt.

Våre tall ser slik ut:  http://www.snartgravid.com/html/fertilitetshormoner.asp
eller se på www.furst.no klikk på blåbok, analyseliste f.eks S-fritt T3, det står Referanseområde: 2.3 - 5.7 pmol/L
der. Amerikanske tall er 25-50 ng/L til sammenligning.

Et sted med begge enhetene er:

Retningslinjene fra NACB som er ferdige nå nylig og ligger på http://www.nacb.org Gamle sider under arbeid var på http://www.nacb.org/monograph/Thyroid_index.htm (ikke lenger online) og http://www.nacb.org/lmpg/thyroid_lmpg.stm (ikke lenger online).

Hormonlabben på Aker har senket referanseområdet for TSH pga. ovenstående retningslinjer.

Slik kan man regne om tallene:

jeg fant molvekten her i kapittel 9 på siden Analysebok, hormonlabben Aker: http://www.aker.uio.no/Hormonlab/hlsoma.html
Det er en svær og uhåndterlig pdf. Det var i HTML før.
Jeg multipliserte mol med molvekten.
Men jeg må innrømme at unc.edu. sine konverteringsfaktorer er bedre siden de funker fram og tilbake.

Man dividerer mol med faktoren.

Man ganger g/dl med faktoren.

Man kan lage flere faktorer ved å dividere 1000 eller 10 eller hva passer med molvekten. Man må sjekke hva som passer ved å se aktuelle tall først.

Anbefalte tall (under arbeid)


Perimenopausal: needed to ovulate, days 12-14:

postmenopausal on ERT with estradiol 17b


Conventional units

SI units
multiply with factor 0,003671

conventional units

SI Units

Estradiol 17b

200-500 pg/ml

>0,7342 nmol/L
about 0,7nmol/L

70-114 pg/ml

  If not high enough, use estradiol 17b like estrogel or climara patch days 10-14


progesterone Peak around day 21 if ovulation.
Test showing low levelse at other times.

around day 21 if ovulation

      If endometrial response, use if no uterine buildup
if no endometrial response
periods occur 48-72 hours after stopping progesterone
No progesterone if having periods   10mg Provera for 5 days..every three months
or capsules of prometrium at 100mg for 5 days is also fine. YOU DO NOT stop the estradiol while using it
NO progesterone

Use the calorie calculator in the book to figure out how much you need just to breathe To, lose weight you need to get 500 less
Around 5 daily meals  with 250 calories each

TSH A TSH over 2 is subclinical hypothyroidism and at around menopause you need thyroid support.
Should ideally be between 0,8 and 1,5. Low TSH puts the body in a starvation mode.
Ferritin needs to be between certain numbers for normal thyroid hormone function etc at least 70
or hyperadrenergic state
Blood glucose        

Now some molweights are:

(Comments are from Kapittel 9 pdf)

Conversion table

conventional units (USA)


conversion factor
to convert from SI to conv.units, divide by this factor


SI units


Corticotropin/ ACTH



2540 g/mol

07-07h <13,2 pmol/L 18-21 <6,6 pmol/L

use plastic tubes after centrifuge

(urine 24h)



360 g/mol

10-50 nmol/24h

lutealphase 10-100 nmol/24h



1080 g/mol


obs! osmolarity both plasma and urine!



measured in index



other labs may have other indexes

Antibodies Adrenal cortex







288 g/mol


Lab ranges set to detect tumors and enzyme defects, not low DHEA. Nonetheless women with adrenal insufficiency seem to benefit from DHEA supplementation.



391 g/mol


Same as above



36 000 g/mol

2,8-30 IE/L





36 000 g/mol

<12 IE/L midcycle peak15-30 IE/L menop.>20IE/L

PCOS: ratio FSH/LH usually >2-2,5

Free Cortisol in urine



363 g/mol

45-272 nmol/24 h


cortilsol serum



363 g/mol

07-09 138-690  nmol/L 18-21 50% of morning numbers

this is bound cortisol. Ratio cortisol/CBG is also important



1E/L-1.5IE/L greyzone

>1,5 IE/L positive




<100 kIE/L

Not as useful as Anti-TPO

Needed for correct TBG (interference)

TPOab recommended nomenclature

initially called anti-microsomal antibodies                                     


<100 kIE/L
varies from lab to lab


Not standardized wordwide
Is useful to differentiate NTI from autoimmune thyroiditis




651 g/mol

3,5-7,8 pmol/L    

In early graves FT4 may be normal but FT3 will be elevated





1.2-2,7 nmol/L


T3 uptake
(THBR) /thyroid hormone binding ratio)
indirect FT3 test, not T3.



%. proportion of 1.

Not done here.in norway anymore. Antiquated test.

Misleading name.

Does NOT measure T3 but  vacant binding sites on the TBG.
  Use FT4 and FT3 instead (NACB guidelines)




777 g/mol    

9-22 pmol/L

should always be measured as well when TSH is measured




777 g/mol

58-160 nmol/L

should be seen together with TBG


0,3-4,0 mU/ml (NACB)


28 000 g/mol 

adults 0,5-3,6 mIE/L (Norway)

interference by mouse antibodies etc



54 000 g/mol 

12-35 mg/L

influenced by hormones, estrogen, androgens





5780 g/mol    


lower numbers when stored in room temp. higher values when antibodies are present




5780 g/mol    

women 16-34 24-101 nmol/L


Iodine urine


127 g/mol    

at least  0,8-1,2 µmol/24h




16 000 g/mol 

women < 930 pmol/L





36 000 g/mol 

<12 IE/L midc.top 20-50 IE/L


Estradiol 17b


midcycle >200pg/ml


272 g/mol

follicle phase 0,08-0,14 nmol/L midcycle top 0,70-2,1nmol/L luteal phase 0,08-0,85 nmol/L

also see comments about SHBG


>4,7 ng/ml midluteal phase


315 g/mol 

follicle phase <3 nmol/L lutealphase >15 nmol/L mid lutealphase 25-100nmol/L

when >15 nmol/L at 6-8 days befor menstruation it shows that normal luteal phase is established after ovulation.




23 000 g/mol

50-700 mIE/L   

test for prolactinoma

Renin activity (there is a direct test too)


0,5-1,5 nmol/l/h angiotensinI

measured by incubation and angiotensin-I which is the product. influenced by medication and salt-intake   Before testing renin and aldosterone one should not use added salt for 48 hrs




288 g/mol 

morning sample men 8-35 nmol/L women <2.8 nmol/L

This is total testosterone. Should be seen together with SHBG, the ratio  FTI  is important.



86 000 g/mol 

men 10-90 women 23-100 nmol/L



200-1100 pg/dl





need supplements over age 50
Dr Dommisse: at least 500 pg/dl (369 pmol/L)

K1 and K2

need K1 and K2


0,1-2,2 ng/mL K1






should be over 70 to avoid hyperadrenergic state

There are different ranges sometimes, some are from the NACB and some others.


Now while reseaching this I wonder about Estradiol-SHBG or does it not matter for our use.

Also, there was something intersting about osteokalcin  in this pdf. Osteocalcin is only produced in bone tissue and there by osteoblasts. Serum level indicates bone turnover. High levels are seen with hyperparathyreosis, hyperthyriodis and renal failure. Low levels are seen with hypothyroidism and treatment with glukocortoids and with many patients with osteoporosis. The use of this analysis is debated with ostoeporosis.

Maybe some doctors like to keep their patients hypo to slow down bone turnover. But the opposite is noted by patients, in the newsgroup alt.support.thyroid (archives can be read via google.groups) , patients report of low bone density when kept hypo and return to normal bone density when allowed to take enough thyroid meds.

Another thing on bone density came up here last week_ there is an article in the medical paper here that vitamin K2 has a beneficial effect on bone loss. You know here in Norway we fracture femurs and bones more than anybody else in the world (also, we drink much milk). But the japanese rarely fracture bones. The main difference is the intake of vitamin K-2 which is found in fermented soybeans, Natto. K-2 has a beneficial effect on ostedblasts vs osteoclasts.

K2 is produced in the intestines and is fat-soluble. Gall liquid is needed for absorption.

Now we need to find out what contains K2 besides cheese, butter has some. And what about the traditional ”rakefisk”, fermented innland fish, and ”gammelost” an analogue to limburger cheese…  http://www.tidsskriftet.no/pls/lts/PA_LTS.Vis_Seksjon?vp_SEKS_ID=393199  the english summary is rather short. The american RDA for vitamin K1 at 1 µg/kg seems way to low for bone density. 45µg /kg seems more appropriate and up to  1000µg total has been proposed. 45 µg K2 and 375µg k1 are suggested now for bone density.


molal (m), molar (M)

these notations, traditionally used by chemists to describe the concentration of chemical solutions, often appear to be units of measurement. It's easy to get them confused. The term "molal" describes the concentration of a solution in moles per kilogram of solvent (mol/kg), while "molar" describes a concentration in moles per liter (mol/L). A solution described as 1.0 µM has a concentration of 1.0 µmol/L. These units are not approved by the General Conference on Weights and Measures. Their use is declining, but still substantial.

molar volume

a unit used by chemists and physicists to measure the volumes of gases. The behavior of gases under ordinary conditions (not at very high pressures or very low temperatures) is governed by the Ideal Gas Law. This law says that the volume V of a gas is related to its temperature T and pressure P by the formula PV = nRT, where n is the number of moles of gas present and the gas constant R equals 8.314 joules per mole per kelvin. The molar volume is the volume one mole of gas occupies at standard temperature (273.16 kelvins, or 0 °C) and standard pressure (1 atmosphere, or 101.325 kilopascals). The molar volume is equal to 22.414 liters or 0.7915 cubic foot. (Occasionally the term "molar volume" is used for the volume occupied by a mole of a substance which is not a gas; in such cases the molar volume will be different for each substance.)

mole (mol)

the SI base unit of the amount of a substance (as distinct from its mass or weight). Moles measure the actual number of atoms or molecules in an object. An alternate name is gram molecular weight, because one mole of a chemical compound is the same number of grams as the molecular weight of a molecule of that compound measured in atomic mass units. The official definition, adopted as part of the SI system in 1971, is that one mole of a substance contains just as many elementary entities (atoms, molecules, ions, or other kinds of particles) as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12 (carbon-12 is the most common atomic form of carbon, consisting of atoms having 6 protons and 6 neutrons). The actual number of "elementary entities" in a mole is called Avogadro's number after the Italian chemist and physicist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856). Careful measurement determines Avogadro's number to be approximately 602.214 199 x 1021 entities per mole. In the American system of naming big numbers, that's 602 sextillion 214 quintillion 199 quadrillion, give or take about 50 quadrillion.


Vekten av et molekyl av et stoff uttrykt i atomvektenheter, der hydrogenatomets vekt er nesten lik enheten eller vekten i gram av 6,02 · 1023 molekyler av stoffet.

Fra Kjemi 2KJ for den videregående skolen:
Mol--en enhet for stoffmengde

som mål for antall partikler bruker vi størrelsen stoffmengde enten der gjelder atomer, molekyler eller ioner. Enheten for stoffmengde er mol.

et mol er en stoffmengde som inneholder like mange partikler som det er atomer i 12 g karbon-12

H 2 O har molekylmassen 18,02u. Ett mol vannmolekyler får dermed massen:

6,02.1023.18,02u =6,02.1023 .18.02.1/(6,02.1023)g = 18,02g

Vi ser at massen av ett mol av et stoff målt med gram som enhet får samme måltallet som formelmassen (molekylmassen) for stoffet målt med u som enhet.

"Her i Norge, som i praktisk talt alle andre land i verden, bruker vi nå SI-enheter. SI er en forkortelse for det franske navnet Système international d'Unitès (det internasjonale enhetssystem). I dette systemet er det sju grunnenherer. Andre enheter avledes så av disse."

Navn Symbol for enheten enhet for
ampere A elektrisk strøm
kilogram kg masse
meter m lengde
sekund s tid
kelvin K temperatur
mol mol stoffmengde
candela cd lysstyrke

"Legg merke til at symboler for størrelse i trykk skal ha kursivert skrift, mens symboler for enheter har opprett skrift. For eksempel står m for enheten meter, mens m står for størrelsen masse.

I kjemien bruker vi som regel gram(g) som enhet for masse i stedet for kilogram (kg). "


Ferritin http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=6957530&dopt=Abstract


Om Soya : http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/