TSH- referanseområdet ventes å gå ned igjen Fra alt.support.thyroid:
Check out the following - it is a long read but
you will find some good news and information about the range of the TSH
being reduced:
(Obs, har blitt flyttet til http://www.aacc.org/members/nacb/LMPG/Pages/default.aspx)
rull helt ned til 2002 til Thyroid)
click on (C) Thyrotropin/Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), and scroll down
to (3.) TSH Reference Intervals. Here is a snipped quote from The National
Academy of Clinical Biochemistry:
The following quote is
"(a) TSH Upper Reference Limits
"Over the last two decades, the upper reference limit for TSH has steadily
declined from ~10 to "approximately ~4.0-4.5 mIU/L. This decrease reflects
number of factors including the improved "sensitivity and specificity of
current monoclonal antibody based immunometric assays, the "recognition
normal TSH values are log-distributed and importantly, improvements in the
"sensitivity and specificity of the thyroid antibody tests that are used
pre-screen subjects. The "recent follow-up study of the Whickham cohort
found that individuals with a serum TSH >2.0 "mIU/L at their primary
evaluation had an increased odds ratio of developing hypothyroidism over
"the next 20 years, especially if thyroid antibodies were elevated (35).
increased odds-ratio for "hypothyroidism was even seen in antibody-negative
subjects. It is likely that such subjects had low "levels of thyroid
antibodies that could not be detected by the insensitive microsomal antibody
"agglutination tests used in the initial study (207). Even the current
sensitive TPOAb immunoassays "may not identify all individuals with occult
thyroid insufficiency. In the future, it is likely that the "upper limit
the serum TSH euthyroid reference range will be reduced to 2.5 mIU/L because
"95% of rigorously screened normal euthyroid volunteers have serum TSH
values between 0.4 "and 2.5 mIU/L...."
For information on the NACB see:
"A serum TSH result between 0.5 and 2.0 mIU/L is generally considered the
therapeutic target for a standard L-T4 replacement dose for primary
Nippon Rinsho "[Serum TSH measurement]" (Article in Japanese; abstract
"Serum TSH levels do not reflect the thyroid function, i) when thyroid
function is changing widely, ii) in low T4-T3 states, iii) in central
hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and iv) when antibodies such as
heterophile antibodies, rheumatoid factors, and rarely anti-TSH antibodies
are present."
The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
"Levothyroxine therapy and serum free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine
"These findings indicate that in hypothyroid patients L-T4-replacement,
is sufficient to maintain a normal serum TSH, is accompanied by a serum free
T4 that is higher than that in untreated euthyroid patients or normal
individuals and may not result in an appropriately normal serum free T3
"Serum thyroid stimulating hormone in assessment of severity of tissue
hypothyroidism in patients with overt primary thyroid failure: cross
sectional survey"
BMJ 2003;326:311-312 (8 February)
"We found no correlations between the different parameters of target tissues
and serum TSH. Our findings are in accordance with a cross sectional study
showing only a modest correlation between TSH and the percentage of positive
hypothyroid symptoms [footnote 4] and data showing discordant responses
between the pituitary and peripheral target tissues in patients treated with
L-triiodothyronine. [footnote 5] We assume that secretion of TSH is driven
by maximal stimulation, with no further increase occurring with greater
severity of hypothyroidism. Therefore, the biological effects of thyroid
hormones at the peripheral tissues and not TSH concentrations reflect the
clinical severity of hypothyroidism. A judicious initiation of thyroxine
treatment should be guided by clinical and metabolic presentation and
thyroid hormone concentrations (free thyroxine) and not by serum TSH
: http://www.nacb.org/lmpg/thyroid_lmpg_pub.stm
: "A serum TSH result between 0.5 and 2.0 mIU/L is generally considered
: therapeutic target for a standard L-T4 replacement dose for primary
: hypothyroidism.":
: Nippon Rinsho "[Serum TSH measurement]" (Article in Japanese; abstract
: English)
: "Serum TSH levels do not reflect the thyroid function, i) when thyroid
: function is changing widely, ii) in low T4-T3 states, iii) in central
: hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and iv) when antibodies such as
: heterophile antibodies, rheumatoid factors, and rarely anti-TSH antibodies
: are present."
: The Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
: "Levothyroxine therapy and serum free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine
: concentrations"
: "These findings indicate that in hypothyroid patients L-T4-replacement,
: is sufficient to maintain a normal serum TSH, is accompanied by a serum
: T4 that is higher than that in untreated euthyroid patients or normal
: individuals and may not result in an appropriately normal serum free T3
: concentration."
Tilstede ca 50 tilhørere, først presenterte det nye styret seg. Straks etterpå
begynte Ingrid Norheim på et foredrag om thyroidea-sykdommer. Hun forsøkte åpenbart
å holde det enkelt og lett forståelig fordi hun fikk beskjed om at det var mange
nye tilstede. Ingrid Norheim er lege ved Thyroidea-poliklinikken på Aker sykehus.
Hun kom inn på diskusjonen det har vært i Norge ang. diagnostisering av hypothyreose.
Det er gjort en stor viktig undersøkelse, HUNT- undersøkelsen ved Trine Bjøre
m. fl., som fant at 5,8% av kvinnene har hypothyreose og 1,3 % av mennene. Latent
hypothyreose, dvs. de med antistoffer og lett forhøyet TSH, hadde 10 % av kvinnene
og 5 % av mennene.
Hypothyreose kan gi symptomer fra alle organsystem.
Blodprøver: man må måle minst TSH og FT4
Dosering av thyroxin ved behandlig: En studie viste at når man lo pasienten
velge dose selv da tok de 0.05 mg mere enn hva legen ville anbefalt.
TSH: det kan ta lang tid for TSH å bli normal, opp til ett år.
når man begynner med thyroxin skal man starte med en lav dose, 0,025 mg
og øke gradvis alle 3-6 uker.
Hvordan skal stoffskiftet ligge under behandling?
På TSH 0,5-1,5, FT4 helt i overkant eller i øvre del av skalaen,
15-20, FT3 midt i skalaen. Men man skal gå etter symptomene også.
Hun lar pasientene ta mere thyroxin hvis de trenger det for å føle
seg bra.
Hvis man har tatt thyroxin et par timer før blodprøven blir FT4
for høy. Vent med medisinen til etter prøven.
Hvis du har glemt en dose må du prøve å få i deg korrekt
ukedose, ta med. dagen etter hvis du har glemt den.
Det er gjort en studie i Litauen hvor pasientene var veldig fornøyd med
T3 - Liothyronin i tillegg til Thyroxin og de fleste ville fortsette med det
etter studien. Kombinasjonpreparater fins ikke i Norge.
Liothyronin senker TSH mye.
Det har vært prøvd en del kombinasjonsbehandling i Norge og det
er mye mere brukt her enn i våre naboland, årsaken er vel oppmerksomheten
den har fått i debatt.
Ingrid Norheim kom med noen retningslinjer: Prøv først å
øke thyroxindosen og se om det hjelper
Deretter prøv 1/2 tablett Liothyronin (1/4 om morgenen og 1/4 utpå
Thyroxindosen må senkes med 50µg for hver 10µg Liothyronin
(min kommentar: Dr Ridha Arem sier 38µg og pasientene sier at det er i
praksis mindre, alt.support.thyroid)
Overdosesymptomer på T3: hjerteflimmer og hjertesvikt
det er liten risiko for benskjørhet
Ingrid Norheim fortalte om den store HUNT-undersøkelsen som var gjort
i Nord-Trøndelag.
På grunn av den har Hormonlabben senket normalområdet for TSH til
3,5. Før det kunne laboratorier bruke helt opp til 8 som øvre
Hun kom med diverse tall fra undersøkelsen.
Så kom hun inn på den nye utgaven av boka "Thyroidea-sykdommer"
hvor hun har skrevet et kapittel.
Hun fortalte at ellers i verden er jodmangel et stort problem. Jodmangel fins
bl.a. i høytliggende fjellområder hvor jod er blitt vasket ut av
jordsmonnet. Jod tilsettes i salt (i Norge bare lav dose), mel, drikkevann og
gis som injeksjon. Jodtilførselen må være kontinuerlig.
Moderat jodmangel fører til struma, latent hypothyreose og for lite jod
til fostre.
WHOs anbefaling er 150µg/døgn.
Tare og tang har mye jod. Ellers fins det i melkeprodukter (tilsettes fòret),
kjøtt, brun ris og grønnsaker, egg og tilskudd.
De grupper som kan ha jodmangel i Norge er ungdom pga. ensidig kost og innvandrere.
Man bør ikke innta mere enn 1 mg/døgn.
Spørsmål og svar til slutt:
SP:Hva med vitiligo?SV: Det er i gruppen autoimmune sykdommer, vær da
obs på større sannsynlighet for å få andre autoimmune
sykdommer, bl.a. glutenintoleranse etc.
SP:Jeg blir syk hvis jeg øker dosen, kvalme, diare, symptomer på
SV: Det kan skyldes antistoffer som også går på binyrene.
Legen kan ta blodprøver for cortisol, ACTH, antistoff, Aldosteron og
ACTH stimuleringsprøve.
SP: Hva er normal hvilepuls? SV: Idrettsfolk kan ha ned til 50-60, hos andre
er den gjerne 70-80.
SP: Kraftigere menstruasjon? SV: Menstruasjonsforstyrrelser er vanlige ved hypothyreose.
Menstruasjonen kan også bli sjeldnere.
SP: Jod og naturprodukter(tare, tang) SV: Kan gi for lavt stoffsifte (Pga.for
mye jod)
SP om dårlig hukommelse SV Hjernen behøver T3 men omdanner selv
T4 til T3
SP depresjon SV For lav dose?
SP om følelse at trykk i halsen SV Antagelig er dosen for lav. Det går
også an å få ultralyd av kjertelen.
SP Vekt? SV Dose høy nok? En fortalte om at hun ikke greide å gå
noe ned i vekt
SP dose? SV hun kan gå med på lav TSH hvis FT4 er innenfor normalen
SP Smerter i muskler og ledd SV Det kan være at ANTI-TPO er høy
alle disse autoimmune sykdommer henger samme, rheumatiske plager
SP Hvordan komme til endokrinolog SV Lang venteliste Noen ganger henviser vi
pasienter til endokrinolog Johan Halse på Betanien som er bra
SP Hyperthyreoide skal ha høy dose thyroxin etterpå også
pga.problemer med øynene. De skal ikke ha lav dose
SP om Selen, at man må gå ned på thyroxindosen når man tar selen, to stykker
har erfart det. SV Vet ikke
Ingrid Norheim fortalte også om at Legetidsskriftet har nå hatt
tre artikler om hypothyreose, det har vært 2 temanumre om thyroideasykdommer
nå i våres, nr 9 og 10. www.tidsskriftet.no
Hvem skriver ut resept på Armour og tilsvarende?
Jeg har hørt om Balder-klinikken. Noen flere?
Pasientene bude kanskje slå seg sammem og enes om ett apotek for å skaffe Armour,
nature-troid eller lignende.
I australia er det stenlake apotek som skaffer pulver direkte fra USA og lager
medisinen selv. Mye billigere sier de. www.stenlake.com.au
Fra http://forums.about.com/ab-thyroid/messages/?msg=32664.16
tealady Mar-5 4:41 pm 32664.16 in reply to 32664.11 Firstly Stenlake. They and
other compunding pharmacies I've spoken to in Sydney actually order the thyroid
in from the US. They claim there is ONLY one source in the world where all thyroid
(from pig's is made). They get it in a pure powder form (from PCCA in the US)and
just add whetever filler (the default is lactose, but you can ask them to change
that) and put it into capsules according to grain strength. The same range of
grains as Armour thryoid whose strengths they copy. I think all Armour etc get
the basic powder pure pig's thyroid from the same place. I can vouch that I've
had two bottles so far and it is consistent. One of the compounding pharmacies
Ii spoke to said . yes the powder from PCCA - it comes in a large white jar(he
showed me the jar) ... like a DJ's large moisturizing cream... is guaranteeed
consistent. They only have to mix it with a filler to dilute it consistently.
Nå starter også et belgisk firma, Erfa, produskjonen av det kanadiske
gode gamle Tyroid, som er identisk med Armour Thyroid, og det aktive stoffet
kommer fra samme leverandør i USA.
Siste nytt om selen: Det er gjort en studie i Tyskland me 200µg selen per
dag som viste at antistoffene gikk ned med selen. artikkel
Jeg har prøvd selen etter å ha lest dette og det stemmer faktisk. Husk at de
fleste som har prøvd selen sier de måtte senke thyroxin-dosen.
Østrogen skal testes for dag 12-15 av syklusen og progesteron dag 17-25. Ideellt
hhv. dag 12-14 og 20. Hvis progesteron testes andre dager vil det vise for lite.
Les ellers i delphi forum menopausediet forum (fins ikke lenger)
Larrian Gillespie (www.goddessdiet.com
har en del interessant å si om hormonene. De lærde strides og hun er imot å
gi kvinner en masse kunstige østrogener og progesteroner. Hun gir heller halv
dose naturlig østrogen. Den heter østradiol og kan ikke kjøpes uten resept i
Norge. Hun anbefaler progesterontilskudd bare i fem dager alle tre måneder for
å få blødning. Hun sier progesteron har en mengde bivirkninger som vannansamling
etc og østradiol har en mengde gode virkninger slik som å kunne tenke og huske
klart igjen og det beskytter mot kreft og motvirker avkalkning av knoklene etc.
Merk deg at andre østrogener enn østradiol ikke har disse og at det dessverre
gjøres mye forskning med andre østrogener og at forskerne ikke engang vet forskjellen
på dem slik at man må ta advarslene med en klype salt. Nesten all forskning
gjøres om Premarin som kommer fra gravide hopper og har helt andre østrogener
enn menneskene har.
I Norge fåes kjøpt Ovesterin over disk og den inneholder Østriol som er et nedbrytningsprodukt
av Østradiol og er et svaktvirkende østrogen. Det hjelper mot hetetokter men
har ikke alle de gode effektene Østradiol har.
Østradiol fins i:
Climara plaster, Estraderm plaster, og Divigel flytende gel til å smøre på ,
det sistnevnte er på markedsføringsfritak i Norge. (ikke nå lenger) Man
må søke for å få det. I Sverige fins det som vanlig apotekvare på resept.
Progynova tabletter inneholder Østradiolvaleriat og er syntetisk og anbefales
ikke av Larrian (men det brytes ned til Østradiol og høres ikke så ille ut for
meg). Les mere på menopause-forumet eller til venstre under Loose weight with
Larrian i thyroid.about.forums
Hun anbefaler ofte bare Østradiol på dagene 10-14 i syklusen eller 7-14. Altså
ikke så mye som står på pakkene, de er for de som ikke har ovarier lenger. Og
hun anbefaler å ta Østradiol på ubestemt tid, altså ikke å slutte etter noen
år. Les mere selv.
Kvinner har en helt annen metabolisme enn menn. Kvinner skal spise 5 små måltider
a 200 kalorier om dagen. det er viktig å starte måltidene med proteiner, ev.
spise litt proteiner mens man lager mat, f. eks et halvt kokt egg. Les mere
på Larrianian Gillespies websider og Mary Shomons intervju med henne. Brød og
poteter er ute!
Det går an å laste ned hvordan Larrian anbefaler hormonbehandling og diett
for kvinner i overgangsalderen og etter på www.goddessdiet.com
i seksjonen Store rull ned til Health reports 5 dollars Are Hormones Making
You Fat? på den siden og bestill. Det er det kapitlet som ikke er med i Goddessdiet-boken
men er med i Menopausediet-boken. Det kommer forresten en ny bok om hormoner
til høsten.
Det har vært en del skrik om hormonbehandling i sommer. Les Larrians kommentarer (Den omtalte studien ble gjort med heste-østrogen, noe vi ikke har i Skandinavia)
Larrian Reports The Essential Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle at Any Age July 9,
2002 Volume 3 Issue #6 ISSN: 1527-3482 Larrian Gillespie
PLEASE NOTE: The mailing list has been moved to Topica after all the problems
at Yahoo, so many of you may be receiving this newsletter for the first time
even though you signed up long ago! Please note the new subscribe/unsubscribe
information at the end of this newsletter. If you do not wish to receive this
newsletter, I apologize for including you in the list, in order not to miss
those who were "bounced" by Yahoo etc. The unsubscribe function works
PERFECTLY with Topica, so all you have to do is click on the link at the end
of this newsletter and your email address will be removed without a hassle.
CONTRIBUTE: If you see something hormone/diet related in the news or on the
web, please feel free to let me know, send me a note, or forward the URL to
me if it's on the web. My email is newsinfo @ menopausediet.com regular mail
is 264 S La Cienega Blvd PMB#1233, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90211
FEATURE ARTICLE WOMEN'S HEALTH: The Sound of Profits Down the
I received so many emails today about the JAMA study on HRT that I decided to
put out a special issue JUST on this article.
As you know, I have warned women it was progestins, not natural estradiol, that
was increasing the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, gallbladder disease,
strokes and diabetes. In The Menopause Diet book, I wrote an extensive chapter
documenting numerous studies on the risk/benefits of hormone therapy, explaining
why women need to "baste not marinate" in estradiol in order to receive
the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy with the lowest risk.
In JAMA, full article link at (http://www.menopausediet.com
) released today, researchers have proven that CONJUGATED estrogens, when combined
with progestins, dramatically increases the risk of developing breast cancer,
and recommended that doctors terminate long term therapy with this drug combination.
Now, some of you feared this meant you should immediately stop HRT cold turkey.
Let me explain something here: the study did not examine estradiol, because
frankly, the most common prescribed medication has been PremPro ( Premarin and
Provera ). Premarin is derived from horse urine and contains 17 estrogens unknown
to the human body. Provera was developed as a cancer drug which failed miserably
and was marketed to gynecologists as THE ANSWER to endometrial buildup
in response to unmonitored doses of Premarin. Using a skilled PR campaign aimed
at BOTH the doctors and the patients, followed by litigation issues, doctors
were indoctrinated into believing progestins PROTECTED women against uterine
cancer and that is was GROSS NEGLIGENCE to prescribe estrogen without giving
a progestin at the same time.
Now the profits from combination therapy are going down the toilet after this
landmark study and I can promise you, the drug companies are not going to let
this slide without a fight. Expect to see doctors countering this finding with
smoke and mirror filibustering.
HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: If you are taking Premarin, call your doctor's
office and demand to switch to estradiol. You can ask for oral estradiol in
the following ranges: 1mg is usually too high, so .5mg is just about right for
most women. However, if you are over 70, you need even less, such as .25mg.
Next, flush that prescription which was forced down your throat for Provera
in the toilet and take a deep breath. Then, sharpen your heels and get
ready to kick a lot of docs off the health cliff, because old habits die hard.
If you read The Menopause Diet Book, you know that diet also affects the risk
of breast cancer. Consuming carbohdyrates in excess of 40% shifts your estrogen
metabolism into the cancer stimulating pathway. In short, eat more protein,
less sugar and more monounsaturated fatty acids. Next, be sure and add exercise
into your daily routine. Couch potatoes increase their risk of breast cancer
with or without hormone therapy. Finally, pat yourself on the back for recognizing
that you're mad as hell about all this and wont take it anymore.the provera/premarin
that is!
If you own The Goddess Diet book and haven't downloaded the health report on
my site, please check it out now. You're missing a ton of valuable information
and medical references you will need to convince your shell-shocked doctor that
it's okay to give you unopposed estradiol if you monitor the blood levels so
they stay between 70-114 pg/ml. You can get that report at
And while you're there, check out the new website designs for Menopause/Goddess/Gladiator
Diets. Several new sections have been added, great new links and a ton of information
will be going up in a regular magazine style format. So, start snooping around
the sites and let me know what you think by sending your opinions/comments
You'll notice The Goddess Diet was bannered in the issue of the National
Examiner which just came off stands today. In addition, I have added "Larrian's
Loft", where you can read my interviews with the hottest mystery/romance
writers and find out about their new books, personal background and even their
fantasy dinner guests.
Have suggestions for the site? Let me know about them. I hope to make the site
more "user friendly" by inviting you back to share in article links
and interviews with doctors who are doing the cutting edge research in men's
and women's health. So stay tuned! A complete issue of Larrian Reports
will be coming out next week.
To subscribe to Larrian Reports, send a blank email to
To unsubscribe, send a blank email to
Thanks for listening!
------------------------------------------------------------------ LARRIAN REPORTS
The Essential Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle at Any Age
August 1, 2002 -- Volume 3 Issue #7
(ISSN: 1527-3482) -- Larrian Gillespie
They're still at it - the press that is. It seems everyone is moaning about
hormones in one way or another. Repeatedly, the word "estrogen" is
flung about as the "generic" way to discuss HRT, even by the best
reporters. Sadly, the words "natural" vs "synthetic" have
lost all meaning.
So, at the risk of sounding boring, let me clarify a few things.
First: Natural means "the same as the body produces" which means
17 beta estradiol, estriol and estrone but NOT conjugated estrogens. Second:
Synthetic means "altered" and not manufactured. You can manufacture
17 beta estradiol which is a "natural" estrogen. Synthetic means chemically
altered forms of a natural hormone are produced. Estradiol valerate is an example.
This is NOT a natural hormone, though a ton of docs don't seem to know the difference.
This is a form of altered estradiol used in birth control pills which is completely
synthetic and falls into the same category as premarin. The only difference
is this product does not have 17 equine forms of estrogen in it, which can stimulate
antibody reactions.
Unfortunately, doctors are acting like "the sky is falling," taking
all their female patients OFF hormone therapy based upon the termination of
the HERS study of Premarin and Provera vs Premarin alone. Somehow, the notion
to "swap" forms of hormone therapy seems to be beyond their grasp.
As I stated in my special report (http://goddessdiet.com/Reports/special_0709.htm),
low dose estradiol therapy, in the same blood level range as the early follicular
stage of ovulation, gives women the benefits with the lowest risk.
Menopause is a state of hormone deficiency, NOT depletion. It only makes sense
to replace what each individual may be lacking, not to fire a whole pack of
drugs at women mainly because one's ovaries have gone two claws up! Here is
an article you should print out and keep for your docs if they seem to be pushing
the panic button. (http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/438356)
Special Reports.
. .
To: Larrian Gillespie(LARRIAN) (3886 of 4018) in reply
to 30095.3885 <
Hi Larrian I was diagnosed hypo (hashi's) in April '02. I had trouble tolerating even small doses of thyroid meds, but with my doctor's help I had worked my way up to taking 1.5 grains Armour + 150 mcg T4 in October '02. My symptoms were improving, but I was still far from well. I started to have problems with palpitations and dropped back to 1 grain Armour + 150 T4 towards the end of November.
My doctor insisted that this was too low for my body weight and suggested I split the dosage throughout the day and try to increase the Armour to 1.5 gr.
Splitting the dose seemed to help, but my hypo symptoms worsened and by Christmas my depression had returned with a vengeance and I felt like crying constantly for a few days. Eventually the crying subsided, although I still felt depressed. Then, just over a week ago, coinciding with a cold virus, I started to feel extremely nervous for no apparent reason. . I wake up feeling extremely nervous (like I'm going to an interview or something) and the feeling continues to be strong for most of the day. During the late afternoon, it seems to ease off a little. Activity seems to help, but my limbs feel like they are in treacle and won't move properly<
I have increased my dosage by 1/2 grain over the last few days, but no improvement so far. This feeling is driving me crazy. It makes doing day to day tasks very difficult. I would be very grateful for any suggestions. I'm desperate! Thanks in advance Sally (UK)
Larrian Gillespie (LARRIAN) Thyroid Disease Forum
30095.3887in reply to 30095.3886 Adrenal..ferritin levels...that's your problem. Get serum ferritin, 21 hydroxylase, ACA antibodies....low ferritin with adrenal problems causes an anxiety response on thyroid meds. See posts..lot so it on here.
30095.3896in reply to 30095.3895
That makes sense....this is why FLOW CHARTS are important in keeping track of repeated lab studies. You should make a chart for yourself and put in the dates, medication dosages and lab work. Remember, ALWAYS get copies of your own lab work...this is JUST the kind of reason we're talking about!
Low ferritin causes a paradoxical hyperexcitability response when taking T3 in particular..and is found in women with subclinical adrenal insufficiency. Read through my adrenal/ferritin posts here for more info.
Jan-10 4:09 pmLarrian, I'm seeking your advice on whether my 53 year old wife could again take estradiol to help her with frequent, debilitating migraines (among other things). She began a patch back in July. By October she was diagnosed with DCIS. She had a mastectomy (lymph nodes OK), and will have an elective mastectomy next month on her other breast, based on a very strong family history. She's been off the estradiol since Oct and her migraines (cluster) are almost daily. She's taken all the right medications for them, even had botox shots.
I know there may be some risk taking estradiol, but don't know whether it outweighs her need for it in order to have any sort of life. What is your opinion...does a compelling need make the risk more acceptable? Thanks, John
From: Larrian Gillespie(LARRIAN) To: (3936 of 4018) in reply to 30095.3935Som motvekt til Larrian Gillespie må jeg nevne at mange har hatt bra
erfaring med Progesterontilskudd, i form av progesteronkrem.
Her er informasjon fra Dr Ims i Oslo: http://www.futhark.no/les
Dr Ims' artikkel.
Og http://www.daylightbc.com/overgangsalder.htmog
progesteronet går direkte til organene og tar ikke veien om blodet/leveren sies
det) og http://www.mamut.com/homepages/Norway/1/7/amrita/subdet3.htm
og http://www.nfhm.org/artikler/hormon.html
Dr. Leif Ims 0855 Oslo (Ullevål Stadion)22 02 80 60
Om osteoporose og lav TSH
The TSH is a pituitary hormone. I can't see the connection between TSH and bones.
Anyway, when they did a study and excluded those who were hyper before, they found no correlation between low TSH and bone loss. There is a discussion about it in www.bmj.com where Dr. Toft says that.
There is also an article in thyroid from Austria where they have come up with how much T4 med. is safe, they came up with < 2,6 µg per kilo body weight.
And FT4 below halfway up actually decreases bone growth. They had a study where children grew when FT4 was in the top third and they did not grow when FT4 was in the bottom half. http://medscape.com/viewarticle/417948_print
Also see http://www.thyrolink.com/literature/report2001_4/seite02.html article
by Toft.